MMORPG utopia?



what would be your ultimate mmorpg?
well i have a dream: Roleplayers heaven
voice communication only(when you create your character you can alter the pitch and stuff so you'll sound like you'd like to sound.(even like a ladeh!)
accompanied with the character creation is the age and looks, which would have virtually endless possibilites! from hair color to length of toes. if you sound like a 12 year old at least look like one! ook on to the next part, npc's have actors that talk too! NO floating names! no "con"! make it pure speculation! and, and! Permadeath! yes yes! WITH death of age!(age calculated on time played) However, you will start with an "heir" once you die,with 70% of the dead char's total experience(same class too) once you die you go to the character creation screen thingy and create your own pretty avatar, and your name will be: "<name of heir> son/daughter of <name of dead character>" or something. HUUUUGE world, Totally different fighting system, kinda like the one in "Oni". just with weapons, super charge up thingy styles and armor. you wont die in battle so easily though, unless the opponent decides to finish you off.. say youv'e "fainted" in battle 19 times before. monsters are now prompted to kill you if you faint. however players have the choice of killing you whenever they like. players can loot your body if they made you faint. this may sound like a griefer's paradise, but this is where it gets interesting! if a player becomes so much of a nuisance people would want to send assasins all over from a different continent(the world is huge, remember?). the players can own lands, and build small houses, forts, castles and eventually kingdoms. Anarchy becomes feudalism! get it? get it? players buy guards with cash to their castles, build vaults, guild only tatoos, kingdom only banners and the likes! weeeeeeeeee! *dies*


pass it to me now, .. its puff puff pass. i want to get high aswell. don't be selfish.


That would be nice.
ATM, I'm not playing any MMORPG (Well, I'm playing in a NWNs persistent world which is OK) as I just can't find any that even come remotely up to that standard.

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