MMmmmMM Help MMmmmMM



k guys wud be really cool if you could help me out here
im a lvl 41 minstrel and unable to start my lvl 40 epic quest due to the fact i cannot get teleported to snowdonia

after many hours asking around the server for help i was told that ther is a knowen bug with this quest ne one got ne ideas on how to reslove it :(((

most thanks
(lvl 41 Minstrel)


Yeah go there by foot. The NPC u supposed to meet is by the lake on way to pennines


This is a joke right?
If it is: hahaha
good one :D

If it is not:
How did you become lvl41 without knowing about Snowdonia? That is stupid. Just go to Humberton (north of Camelot) and take a horse to Snowdonia keep, then go through the gates and volia, you're in Snowdonia.

But beware! You're now in the fronteer and the enemy could be everywhere! muhaha :)



i know where snowdonia is you git ;D

thanks i just didnt think you could skip the step ........

looks like you can according to you :D


Originally posted by Zeikerd
This is a joke right?
If it is: hahaha
good one :D

If it is not:
How did you become lvl41 without knowing about Snowdonia? That is stupid. Just go to Humberton (north of Camelot) and take a horse to Snowdonia keep, then go through the gates and volia, you're in Snowdonia.

But beware! You're now in the fronteer and the enemy could be everywhere! muhaha :)

by the sound of original thread it sems part of his quest was to be SUPOSSADLY teleported to snowdonia to do that stage of his eipic . but bugged epic meant he didnt teleport hence as he said not thinking he could do quest stil ...

btw not many high lvls goto snowdonia .. people ussually ONLY goto snowdonia for items . ie plate/chain/jewels . not many go there purely for exp because lyonesse/barrows/dartmoor is better exp better items and safer due to no fag mids/hibs trying to exp kill you :p


use right now to report it....... you are not the first who has this problem although it worked fine with my wiz (same Q)


just one question :)

how the f*** do you teleport to snowdonia??? I don´t get it


ive found another person with same problem

found a wizzie who had the same problem as ive got but he resloved it by loggin on the east stand and then relogging back and it teleported him....

gonna try tomorrow


Bedwin m8 it is a very well kept secret only taught to us mighty magic users from the Academy. We are not allowed to use it when anyone not a member of the academy can see, and we are absolutely not allowed to speak about it so anyone not a member of the academy please stop reading this thread now :). And btw you weak friars aint nearly powerful enough to teleport :).

And yes i managed to do it yesteday...took some time though. Try this: wait untill nightfall and then walk up on the northern platform, but WALK cause one of those windows will appear...much like the accept rezz thing but it wil dissappear as soon u move for some reason. Try to stick to the northern wall of the platform. Move around a bit and stand still once in a while. When the window appear press accept and some flashy things will happen (see for yourself :) ) and voila you are in snow... really fun actually...except for the problem with getting that damn window to show....


i got my teleport to snowdonia but not the teleport to hadrian's wall (later part of quest) ... but with your drum who cares? :p


You start by getting scroll from Master Vismer in Camelot. Go to the east tower in Lethantis with the scroll. You will be teleported to Snowdonia, a few paces from Lady Nimue. Give her the scroll. She tells you to go to Roman Catacombs in Cornwall and kill the Lost Emporer to recieve the Staff of Enlightenment, which you then take to the northern tower of Lethantis, . direct you to go to Hadrian's wall. On the road near Caer Benowych (supply keep), there is set of pillars in disrepair. There is a small arc there with several roman centurions (blue to yellow con at 41). they respawn almost instantly. . When you step under the arc, wielding the staff - the arc actually kills all the mobs in range.

You must actually equip the staff in your 2H slot on the N tower in letanthis in order to proceed.


The teleport worked fine for me, just equip the staff on one of the platforms and wait a couple of seconds, I think it was the north platform that sent me. Try all platforms until you get teleported :)


Well the staff part didnt work for me either, so i went there by foot, and from that point on i knew where great drakes are located ;P


u sure youve done the right thing? i know my journal told me something like 'go to the north tower and sing' (tower at lethanis) i was totally clueless but then i finally got it, had to use my shout on the tower platform and then they came to tp me..

theres lots of versions of this step in the epic, i know a guy that had to walk backwards on the spot and another had to jump up and down ;)



well its been solved after puting the scroll in the quick bar and just reloging on the northen platform it went to the next steop but now i gotta run to the penninies as it didt teleport me ..
hehe nm tho least its no more this problem :D:D:D

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