Ml9 Raid Thursday 22nd at 20.30 Cet


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
No pre-reqs except from being ml8 to enter.

Same Loot division stuff as my ml7 raid


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Arnor said:
No pre-reqs except from being ml8 to enter.

Same Loot division stuff as my ml7 raid

One thing i was wondering about this, the ml8 pre-req, does that require just completing all of the ml's including 8 or does it include having mlxp for all the stages up to 8? If so then i'm buggered on this one as i'm missing 2.5 levels of mlxp now!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Looks like i need to get a shed load of mlxp this week then!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
setup a farmgroup and chain triton shamsns + moughart (or whatever that ml 3 prequest mob is called) .. might take a little time.. but it's not that bad.

Hopefully I can make this raid with warrior+shaman


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Just as a matter of interest Arnor, If Your ML7 raid fails, will you be cancelling this one? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
could you not wait till the one on the 30th, looks like my thunder is gone along with teh required number of bodies =/

oh well, Good luck


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
or join BC when they take SoM that got me 90% of the MLxp i needed to become ML3 with savage, encounter reseted several time so we had to kill many sphinxes (or what they are called)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Noheals-WR said:
could you not wait till the one on the 30th, looks like my thunder is gone along with teh required number of bodies =/

oh well, Good luck

Im sorry if i steal your thunder, but more then likely im doing you a favour.
Afaik, there havent been ml9 raids in a long time, that=150ppl+ wanna attend, which=virtual castration.

Simple mathematics ;)

And I will attend your raids with my friends so its atleast one group that will come to your raid ;)

yaruar said:
Looks like i need to get a shed load of mlxp this week then!

ye, so do i. thats why im doing ml4&ml7 raid

[NO]Sunwolf said:
Just as a matter of interest Arnor, If Your ML7 raid fails, will you be cancelling this one? :)

nope, I will still run the raid.

And thanks to lothrandar for explaining in my absense.
If you have your mlX ability, then you are mlX


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Each som encounter gives 19% ml exp, 7% for one criosphinx and 6% for the two others. And of course helping others with ml steps, keep takes and regular rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
a friend of mine got 240% ml xp in yesterdays ml4 raid i think.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
Ml exp

TG is ubah ml exp got ~ 60% from bosses there and some nice respec stonies :) so i recommend it cuz it also has nice drops :clap: :clap: :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Arnor said:
Same Loot division stuff as my ml7 raid
Unique&mp&keys loot will be randomed (other good drops will be randomed too at my discretion)

So you are claiming remains and all (good) scrolls.. and also letting people roll with both main char and buffbot without getting tagged as cheaters and excluded?

Just want to know what exactly you will lotto and not before I attend another one of your raids.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
dont forget to read a bit about ml9 so u know it all.

btw if u wanna claim Feathered wrap or so, do it now , let us know , dont change it.

(and yes giving blazor a key for saying a way of killing typhon which has never been used before is kinda strange. )


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Fenderon said:
So you are claiming remains and all (good) scrolls.. and also letting people roll with both main char and buffbot without getting tagged as cheaters and excluded?

Just want to know what exactly you will lotto and not before I attend another one of your raids.

now, first. scrolls: I said earlier that scroll randoming would be up to my discretion. There dropped one good scroll as you all know, which i gave to a raid assistant. The rest i gave to a random dude in the bg, after asking ppl who wanted them to step forward.

buffbot/main char. this was a slip from me. I wouldnt have allowed it if i'd thought about it, but the thought didnt even cross my mind until i saw the lotto in the end. At which point it was too late to ban the ppl involved because I hadnt warned them first.

Third: As i said in my post, what was being randomed was as follows: All unique items, and all mp items, and rog items at my discretion. This was what i stuck with, though it was kinda blurry on the remains part (fact was i hadnt decided until the end when 50 ppl pm'ed and asked me to give them remains for some reason)

Fourth, blazor.
He has been a great help to me, both on this raid and on the ml4 raid, and for that I felt he should be rewarded. A key, is imo the second lowest lootshit you can possibly get, only surpassed by various lgm ingredients. The lgm ingredients i had already stashed on a guildie since i had full inv, so i had forgotten about those (as you saw it didnt get randomed until the end) Which is why i felt that the most P.O.S loot i could give that could still be used by him was a key.

Now, I am truely sorry for any misunderstandings, the raid was run very poorly by me due to outside factors (lack of sleep, comming from 12hr workday and straight to the raid, and other rl factors)
For this, I apologize, I lead the raid rather poorly, forgot to spawn katorii's pets, and had to go afk at times so blazor had to take over.

Lootwise, yes I couldve handled it alot better. But again rl factors, and me being abit fussy at announcement and counting on everyone reading FH first.

hmm, what more...thanks to nightbringer, kirash and blazor for stepping up when needed, and taking initiative. pantera's key should have gone to kirash, and nightbringer shouldve gotten one too tbh (with the logic i was using) dunno why pantera got one, all he did was nag for trophy :p

In retrospect, dont lead raids with 12hr workday, little sleep and less food under your buckle.

As for ml9, due to various input, I will cancel my ml9 raid, and do a ml6 raid instead. (though, if no interest at all for ml6, ill prolly do ml9 to not let down all the ppl who have punched this on their schedules, we'll see)

I will do a ml9 raid yes, I will do a ml10 raid too, but it will prolly be a while, since im gonna take my time with my next raid, and im having a short vacation very soon.

For my next raid(which will be sometime next week) I will try to get the following:
Crystal clear rules for loot, announced both on FH and in BG before we leave.
A raidleader that can actually focus on the raid for more then 10mins stretches.
Random awards to random ppl (if someone has to take over the raid for a while, if someone does something special, if someone takes initiative etc) (yes this might be anything from ROg's to scrolls to keys, NO uniques though) (life IS unfair, get a fucking helmet and stfu)
NO double-randoming, if you bring a bb fine, but your not getting 2 items(or 2 chances for items, mlxp; mlsteps etc are enough)

IF ml9 goes through as planned initially, I *might* claim one item, I havent decided yet, but I will inform the bg in due time, and i will NOT random for anything if i claim sumt.

That is all, Arnor out


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Up with the ml9 raid imho, ml6 is easier+more accessible to all, so not a problem if 1 gets done a bit later.

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Lothandar said:
Up with the ml9 raid imho, ml6 is easier+more accessible to all, so not a problem if 1 gets done a bit later.

Agree, been like 3 ML6 raids the last 2 weeks... gifv ML9 raid now ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Lothandar said:
Up with the ml9 raid imho, ml6 is easier+more accessible to all, so not a problem if 1 gets done a bit later.
Agree, plz do ml 9 tonight :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
dont cancel it plz, we need more ml9 raids and also alot more ml8 raids...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Since it looks like leader is cancelling, i thought that maybe those of us who are more interested in ml 9 than ml 6 could still go and do ml 9 ?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Is this going ahead or not?

I think there is sufficient interest for it to go ahead - Arnor are you going to lead it or does someone else have to?

I take it we are meeting in AERUS at 2030CET 1930GMT and then we are going to the entrance to ML9 Aerus City, 38k 11k Arbor Glen?

Oli - ILLU

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