ML8 TONIGHT (Shanessas) 5:30pm GMT 12th November


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I'll take over Shanessa's raid because I'm feeling like a sweety. I will still do my own ML8 raid, this is just to help people out that had expected a raid tongiht.

Rules will change to the following.


8.4 Centaur's Hunt
8.7 Torso, Agne's Might
8.9 Agne's Spare Arm


*Meet @ Aerus haven @ 5:30 - 5:45pm GMT (6:30 - 6:45 CET)
*/bg join Oopsy (my minstrel).
*Form BALANCED groups.
*We will depart at exactly 6pm GMT (7pm CET)
*/bg is then set to listen.
*All battlegroup stages will be completed.


*No AFKing. This rule is simple. Short AFKs are fine when given notice. Unreasonable AFKers will be removed from the /bg and /ignored.
*LD's/AFK notices should be sent through your group leader, who will have /bg speak rights. All leaders ill be in a CG with myself.
*I will not read PMs during the raid. They will be turned off in my chat window. Communicate via your group leader.
*General f*cking around, causing grief etc will result in a /bg remove.
*BG stage items will be automatically split to myself, and will be lottoed at the end of the ML.
*Only items I consider to be worthy of lotto will be lottoed. RoG items will NOT be lottoed, it is a waste of time and effort.
*Items can only be won by appropriate classes. If you come on the raid with the intention of rolling for another class, you MUST make it known to me via /bg at the start of the raid, before we leave the haven.
*If for any reason you do not complete a step, be it my fault, your fault, an LD or a bug - I will decide if the step will be re-done.
*I do NOT guarentee completion of steps 1 to 10 for everyone on the raid.

By joining the raid you agree to cohere 100% with the rules listed above. My decision on matters is final.

See you there.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
added a date/time to the subject :p (which was why I wanted a new thread in the hope you would ;) but oh well)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Grats to all the new FZers, BGers etc - raid went smoothly and finished in 2 hours, only problem being that damn Creon head :)

Look out for my ML7 coming up soon.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Smoothest ML raid i been on by a long shot, big thanks Eggy for taking over this one :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Please tell me we're doing it again tonight...

"Master Level 8: Saturday 13th November: Meet Aerus: BG on Cryri.

8.4, 8.7, 8.9 required before the raid. No ML Requirement. "


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