ml 7 to ml 10 is there still peoople intresstred to dothose
i am willing to run those if the turn pit is enought of peoople intressted i have the experiance of run those raids fore as well .
those raids have to be done in weekends days thought becuse of my work schedule .
Ml 7 would be the first one i would run and go forward but if there is enought intrested fore ml 10 raid i will set upp dates fore all 4 raids to be done and time in a few days ahead when i see the turn out on forums
ml 7 to ml 10 is there still peoople intresstred to dothose
i am willing to run those if the turn pit is enought of peoople intressted i have the experiance of run those raids fore as well .
those raids have to be done in weekends days thought becuse of my work schedule .
Ml 7 would be the first one i would run and go forward but if there is enought intrested fore ml 10 raid i will set upp dates fore all 4 raids to be done and time in a few days ahead when i see the turn out on forums