Ok, need to get the grp steps done before Eggy's ML7 raid.
If you are interested, we will try tonight. Need three more ppl. Pref tanks and cleric. Post here name and class if you are interested. ML3 is req. to enter deep volcanus. Meet volcanus @ 21:50. I will contact the three first suitable classes that sign up.
1. Pally
2. Ice.w
3. Ice.w
4. Scout
5. Cleric/bb
6. - not set -
7. - not set -
8. - not set -
If you are interested, we will try tonight. Need three more ppl. Pref tanks and cleric. Post here name and class if you are interested. ML3 is req. to enter deep volcanus. Meet volcanus @ 21:50. I will contact the three first suitable classes that sign up.
1. Pally
2. Ice.w
3. Ice.w
4. Scout
5. Cleric/bb
6. - not set -
7. - not set -
8. - not set -