ML7 Groupsteps Saturday (3rd 1pm CET)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Im going to run ml7 groupsteps on Saturday 3rd December

NB: Please state what spec you are when signing up

Saturday 3rd December
1pm CET
12am GMT

Meetplace: Volcanus Haven (Prydwen)
Bring bots if possible, we have Skald croc ring speed.
All items lottoed afterwards, ffa rolls, sort loot and how many things you can roll for depending on how many valuable drops/scrolls.
We will wait 20 minutes max for people to show up, then we will start asking backups / guilds / alliances.


Pac Healer: -
Shaman: -
Pbaoer: -
Pbaoer: -
Shield Tank: -
Random: Scolari (Shadowblade)
Random: Ireland (Skald, Croc ring)
Random: -


I dont yet have a glove, but I will do my best to have one before the raid, though should someone else have one it would be great.
Chances are Ill be able to get us a FOP shammy, but still would be nice if others brought their bots, for resses ect..
I will do my best to make this as speedy and easy as possible.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2004
Signing up with hunter for random spot.. have ml7 glove on him and can also bring a fop bot either shammy or healer both ml10 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 28, 2005
I would like to come with Mrsheen. It is a ML4 shammy: Aug 47(+6), Mend 23(+10) & Cave 5(+2).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2005
signing limitless - skald with am2, aotg2 and other nifty shit


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
NB: Could TommyJ please give me the name & guild of his hunter, and Vorenus the name & guild of his Healer, just incase I need to contact you ingame.

Ok, guys you tell me, Ive never been on ml7 groupsteps (Dont worry I think ill handle it well) but im wondering, from what im reading, the reason behind a Pac healer is for ae stun while faction farming?


Pac Healer: -
Shaman: MrSheen
Pbaoer: -
Pbaoer: -
Shield Tank: -
Random: Scolari (Shadowblade)
Random: Ireland (Skald, Croc ring)
Random: TommyJ (Hunter, Glove)

Backups: Vorenus(Healer), Limitless(Skald)

Faril you can bring your shammy there to log of course since we have Croc ring speed.
Vorenus Ive put you in the backup until I can figure out if a Pac healer is definetly neccesary, if its not you will get the Healer spot, and should someone pull out of the random spot you will get that.


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
50 Warrior Fluffles, 50 Shield 50 Hammer Mob3 MoP1


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
NB: Could TommyJ please give me the name & guild of his hunter, and Vorenus the name & guild of his Healer, just incase I need to contact you ingame.

Ok, guys you tell me, Ive never been on ml7 groupsteps (Dont worry I think ill handle it well) but im wondering, from what im reading, the reason behind a Pac healer is for ae stun while faction farming?


Pac Healer: -
Shaman: MrSheen
Pbaoer: -
Pbaoer: -
Shield Tank: Fluffles (Warrior)
Random: Scolari (Shadowblade)
Random: Ireland (Skald, Croc ring)
Random: TommyJ (Hunter, Glove)

Backups: Vorenus(Healer), Limitless(Skald)

Faril you can bring your shammy there to log of course since we have Croc ring speed.
Vorenus Ive put you in the backup until I can figure out if a Pac healer is definetly neccesary, if its not you will get the Healer spot, and should someone pull out of the random spot you will get that.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2004
Melachi said:
Ok, guys you tell me, Ive never been on ml7 groupsteps (Dont worry I think ill handle it well) but im wondering, from what im reading, the reason behind a Pac healer is for ae stun while faction farming?

Yes the pac healer is there for the aoe stun and buffs/healing.. and maybe fop if they chose that ml path

When you are doing the faction thingy its really the same thing as they do in moderna.. Just here its a Tank that pulls the mobs, brings them to the box and the paccie stuns.. when they are stunned the pbaoe´s starts to blast them to oblivion and the rest of the group tries to get a hit before the mobs dies.. This means that if you wanner do it this way then yes you will need the paccie to stun.. But that is not the only way to do the faction.. properly just one of the fastes ways.. :)

The name of my hunter is Shadowlurker and im a member of "The dark alliance"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
TommyJ said:
Yes the pac healer is there for the aoe stun and buffs/healing.. and maybe fop if they chose that ml path

When you are doing the faction thingy its really the same thing as they do in moderna.. Just here its a Tank that pulls the mobs, brings them to the box and the paccie stuns.. when they are stunned the pbaoe´s starts to blast them to oblivion and the rest of the group tries to get a hit before the mobs dies.. This means that if you wanner do it this way then yes you will need the paccie to stun.. But that is not the only way to do the faction.. properly just one of the fastes ways.. :)

Yeah I figured it was for the ae stun.

Here tho you say, "the rest of the group tries to get a hit before the mobs dies.." . Is this because of gaining faction, that heal classes used to gain it far slower than the pbaoers, because i think they have fixed that now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2005
Melachi said:
NB: Could TommyJ please give me the name & guild of his hunter, and Vorenus the name & guild of his Healer, just incase I need to contact you ingame.

My healer's name is Vorenus :) , guild Sarumans Hand.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2004
Melachi said:
Here tho you say, "the rest of the group tries to get a hit before the mobs dies.." . Is this because of gaining faction, that heal classes used to gain it far slower than the pbaoers, because i think they have fixed that now.

Nope all will get the same amount of faction its just hard being a melee dude to compete with the aoe dmg from the pbaoe´s.. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Not enough sign ups so far :(

Well all im semi worried about is the Pac healer spot, should that not be filled ill try get one ingame, else we will take an aug healer.

Just incase anyone signs up tomorow morning, I wont be able to check this post until 11am (gmt) so dont think you havent got a spot before that time, as i just havent checked the post yet


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2004
If everything else fail I can respec either my sm or healer to what we need and otherwise we can always anounce on /as /gu.. shouldnt be a problem getting the last ppl to join :)

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