Oki time for ml7 groups steps again!
Place: Volcanus heaven (excal)
Date: Monday 10:th of april
Time: 18.00 CET
Its a fairly difficult ml prereq so we will need a decent setup for it to go smooth!
But well make it with almost any setup its just a matter of time!
So I have a setup that is opted but sign up with what ever you want/have and well do the best of them!
1. Pbae caster: Finculin Encahnter lvl 48
2. Pbae caster: Cayyan Eldrich lvl 50
3. Bard: Ivve lvl 50
4. Druid: (30+ nurt)
5. Druid:
6. Shield tank.
7. Melee
8. Melee
Its short notice but hopefully we get enough people etc!
So sign up and lets get it done!
Rules: Be happy dont nag and lets get it done.
Lotto: We do random 100 highest chooses first. All get a pick. After that if there still are any thing to lotto we roll again and do the same. We lotto when all steps are done not before that.
Place: Volcanus heaven (excal)
Date: Monday 10:th of april
Time: 18.00 CET
Its a fairly difficult ml prereq so we will need a decent setup for it to go smooth!
So I have a setup that is opted but sign up with what ever you want/have and well do the best of them!
1. Pbae caster: Finculin Encahnter lvl 48
2. Pbae caster: Cayyan Eldrich lvl 50
3. Bard: Ivve lvl 50
4. Druid: (30+ nurt)
5. Druid:
6. Shield tank.
7. Melee
8. Melee
Its short notice but hopefully we get enough people etc!
So sign up and lets get it done!
Rules: Be happy dont nag and lets get it done.
Lotto: We do random 100 highest chooses first. All get a pick. After that if there still are any thing to lotto we roll again and do the same. We lotto when all steps are done not before that.