After the success of last sundays session(thanks to all that showed)im gonna do another one this sunday. Same as before, if enough interest i'll take 2 fg's farming opposite sides of faction mobs area and ml7.7 will be farmed several times again also. Same lotto rules as last week, scrolls lotto'ed within each group at end of session and ml7.7 drop lotto'ed as we go, as before once you recieve a scroll/drop, you can't roll again to all in group have recieved one scroll/drop.
Classes required shammy(can be bb spec),supp SM's, healer(pac or aug spec), shieldtanks, RM's and lighttanks(yes this includes skalds and thanes)
Requirement : ML3
Time : Sunday 27th 16.00cet/15.00gmt
Meeting : Volcanus
Sign-up if you would like to partake and i'll update groups here on a daily basis.
Classes required shammy(can be bb spec),supp SM's, healer(pac or aug spec), shieldtanks, RM's and lighttanks(yes this includes skalds and thanes)
Requirement : ML3
Time : Sunday 27th 16.00cet/15.00gmt
Meeting : Volcanus
Sign-up if you would like to partake and i'll update groups here on a daily basis.