By the way...I will also be running a regular ml7 farm session at 6GMT 7CET from volcanus everyday next week. This will include doing the ml7 group steps if any members indicate they need them done.
By the way...I will also be running a regular ml7 farm session at 6GMT 7CET from volcanus everyday next week. This will include doing the ml7 group steps if any members indicate they need them done.
if you got room i would love to join in with natalyah, lvl50 huntress, for the grp-steps. can't make it today, though, but tuesday-friday would be just great.
Still running the pre req groups steps on a daily basis. Starting from volcanus...if you are looking to do these steps pls feel free to pm me at any time during the day.
meeting in Volcanus this evening 7/9 at 11.15 cet 10.15gmt for a group steps raid. More the merrier. This takes 3hours to do so be prepared for that time frame.
ps I am trying to do this me if u miss them i will organise a place for you in the next group outing.
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