ML6 steps for workers.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Evenings again, after the successful ML5 raids the other week time to move on and do ML6. Planning on running raids 20:30 CET hopefully this will give us enough time to complete the steps in one or 2 nights. Also happy to sort out ML5 raids if people need to catch up as ML5 was a blast.

So, next week, days undecided ML6, anyone with me?

Oh and have completed the solo and group stage first, the solo stage is easy, just an hour of farming hatchling salamanders needed and the group stage just involves suiciding someone a lot in the right area till that damn rare snake spawns.

Will decide on which evenings depending on how many people can make which day.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
we still have a few gimps in guild and some ppl would need ML exp so hopefully BC could join as FG.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
For 6.1, I had my zerker die about 15 times on the regular snakes to make the right one pop.

I joined up with a healer and a warrior for this.

People die all the time so if you are lucky you can also find it on your own, but I suggest you bring a friend or two so it will go easier..

One thing to keep in mind you wont get the encounter unless you get back into your group before the snake is killed.. Root will help buy you the time needed for that.

That should help some more ppl to catch up.

Fafner - Cave Shaman (Old main - Now farming mobs for quest drops)
Tryhm - Berserker (New main - Untill I break down and roll a savage)
High Council Member of Legends of Midgard


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ok, if people can make it then 20:30CET start for this. Hopefully we can get it done pretty quickly, by all accounts it's a quickish raid.

Meet tomorrow (wednesday) 20:30 at volcanus.

Make sure you have the snake and the scarab farming stage done first


Dec 24, 2003
earlier imo ^^ 2030 will mean that before we get to first encounter time will be 2130 or smt.

i would appreciate it if it was made 1800 cet.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 24, 2004
hi although the last raid of ml6 last like 2.30 -3 hours max it was real fast but dont forget we are kind like 10fg maybe more dont remember :)

I could come again for ml exp need it on my healer so i am in.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Herjulf said:
earlier imo ^^ 2030 will mean that before we get to first encounter time will be 2130 or smt.

i would appreciate it if it was made 1800 cet.

Then organise your own raids, the point of these raids is that people who work normal hours can actually keep up with the ml track. Especially people who work in the UK, i don't actually finish work (like a lot of uk people) until 19:00cet

Personally i don't even get home till at least 20:00cet.

There are plenty of opportunities for people to do raids, but very few for people who actually work for a living which is why i've been organising a series of raids for people like me. Sometimes it's taken 2 or more nights to complete them, but we do eventually. If people want something different then they can spend their own time and energy organising them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Hot^Ice said:
hi although the last raid of ml6 last like 2.30 -3 hours max it was real fast but dont forget we are kind like 10fg maybe more dont remember :)

I could come again for ml exp need it on my healer so i am in.
10FG ML6 raid takes longer then 4-5FG raid cos of ppl lagging, lds and definitelly noone assists on 6.9 and 6.10.

The last raid led by Crazy was realy smooth while all the ppl were doin things well :)

hint: MA doesnt need to hit mobs but pick targets especially if healers r slow on reaction, dead MA is worst thing which could happen by Chimera.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Emergency Roma said:
...snake and scrab farming stages... that is 6.1 - 6.5 steps ?

Yup those are the right stages. Doesn't take too long, the longest bit is suiciding a character to get the snake to spawn.


Dec 24, 2003
yaruar said:
Then organise your own raids,


U lazy gits.
When the hell do u start working in the morning?

A normal swedish workday ends 1630, (8hours) giving one over one and a half hour til 1800.
Didnt take into consideration that brits have to drink a cup of tea, eat a bisquit or 3 and make scones before leaving for work in the morning *cough*.

Well then the raid isnt very worker:ish, well i guess a few steps are better then none, for those that need em.


Dec 24, 2003
yaruar said:
Yup those are the right stages. Doesn't take too long, the longest bit is suiciding a character to get the snake to spawn.

You dont have to do that, they also spawn the normal way here and there. in 99% of the cases u find them out in the lava lakes or near the edge of the lava.

check THIS map.

I have seen the same snake spawn over and over again at loc: 45K 37K Typhons reach. Two snakes within nuke range of each other. spawning at the beach towards lava. Both are usually close enuff to be meleed from beach.
I have done it 3 times there, and saw it a few times at the same loc when hunting salamanders.
Actually the shore around that entire "island" usually have pretty fair numbers of haje urais.
A lone haje urais also spawn way out in the lava at: 30k 35k behind temple, can be bolted but not reach with ordinary nukes. The spawn above is the best bet imo.

just a hint.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Herjulf said:

U lazy gits.
When the hell do u start working in the morning?

A normal swedish workday ends 1630, (8hours) giving one over one and a half hour til 1800.
Didnt take into consideration that brits have to drink a cup of tea, eat a bisquit or 3 and make scones before leaving for work in the morning *cough*.

Well then the raid isnt very worker:ish, well i guess a few steps are better then none, for those that need em.

I work 8:30am to 6pm. Most people in the uk won't finish work until 5:30 at the earliest (we work the longest hours in europe on average :( )

+ i don't know about other people but I have a 30 to 45 minute journey home every day too which means not getting in till at least 6:45 pm at the earliest.

I think i need to move to sweden ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
good point, and hope to see people there tonight!

Time to start reading up about the encounters I think!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
was fun. i'm never running a lotto again though... i'm going to elect a treasurer and log immediately after the raid.

and i'm going to avoid swimming in lava!

thanks for coming and making it fun guys

(edit) and remember /invite this little thane to your RvR groups I r teh r0><0r


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Thnx Yaruar for this great raid but nor for running us into lava :p
Seriously it wen't well and don't sweat about the lotto.
It's a pain in the butt for every leader but after a while you will realize that it is enough that the majority is happy.You can never please everyone


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
firegird said:
Thnx Yaruar for this great raid but nor for running us into lava :p

Heh, honest, i was just testing to make sure noone is afk.

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