ML6 raid sunday 27/6


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 5, 2004
Time to move on to next ML :)

Meetingplace is Volcanus Haven and BG will be up 16.00 CET, we will try to move out 16.30 CET. Pre-reqs are 6.1 and 6.5 and all attenders pls bind in Volcanus. (6.1 is grpstep and 6.5 is solostep, the solostep takes a while to complete so make sure u have it in time)

Raidrules: Listen to raidleader and do as ur told, no swearing or yelling in bg and no namecalling, also try think about others (it does NOT kill u to wait few mins for LD or go back to rezz someone that lagged off and died etc), also u are responsible for ur own actions, if u go afk and then 10 mins later starts to scream u missed credit for something that is ur own problem. We will wait 3 mins for LD, if same person go LD 3 times we wont wait anymore. U can choose to join midraid or for 6.10 only (if u can get there) but only those that joined from start will enter lotto.

Lottorules: All 99% and MP-drops, scrolls, remains, keys and ML-respecc will be lottoed. Lotto is one big roll, highest picks first, second highest next etc until everything is gone. The keys however will be on a separate lotto directly after Chimera is dead and those that won keys can lotto again in the item-lotto which will be held in Volcanus Haven.
Important rule: Do NOT suicide directly after Chimera is dead but stick around until those that won keys have opened the chests!

Furthermore: As u might have noticed i never claim any items on my raids, i hold em to have fun together with the rest of the realm and achieve things together (yaya stlong roleplay) but lately it havent been so fun, therefor i will point some things out that i think its very important that u read before joining any of my raids.

Lately there has been much bad behaviour from ppl on my raids. There has been ppl running around everywhere doing exactly what they were told NOT to do, there has been a lot of whining and swearing in bg, ppl has flamed me badly because THEY were afk, didnt listen, didnt follow instructions or left raid during lotto and therefor missed credit or a pick in the lotto. Most of this has been taking place in PM's and therefor not visible for the raid but i can assure u it is not fun to try do things for the realm and be called "not human" "greedy bastard" "fo u stupid fucking motherfucker" etc etc etc simply because some ppl cant seem to listen and do what they are told to and when it ends bad for them because of that they blame others. I think most of u guys agree that i try to keep my raids as fair as i possibly can, always try to help ppl that need a rez, gets lost, go LD during a step and need it redone etc, and most of u guys are a pleasure to take with me on the raids :) But the few that arent are very good on destroying the fun for me and for others. Therefor if I find that someone is behaving in a way I dont tolerate (running ahead of raid, pull mobs or talk to NPC's without they are told to, calling other ppl names, flaming ppl or just using the bg as some sort of whine-forum) I will warn that person. If he continue with bad behaviour after the warning he will be removed from lotto!

I dont like to need to threat ppl like this but as stated, lately there have been ppl behaving unacceptable. I will either try to sharpen my rules a lil or to stop lead public raids. I hope u all understand this and that all of u that choose to come on my raids are trying to be nice and have a good time together :)

Hope to see u on sunday :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Mleh..pity i haven´t been able to follow along with this ML part :-P


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Will probably be there with healer.

And as regards the bad behaviour from certain people, try not to take it personaly - so far the raids ive been to that you have been leading have been very fair. In fact you are the most patient public raid leader ive yet met.
Even when people have failed to listen and done something wrong you usually wait and/or help them anyway, so dont listen to the crap some people say. Sure your raids can take alil longer than some others because of the waiting and helping but if people cant accept that then they should not come to the raid in the first place.
Keep up the good work imo.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Yep Khra - I've been on your last 3 raids and everything has always gone smooth - and we've always achieved the ML at the end of it.

People love your raids with 80+ turning up each time, and with those sorts of numbers - even with nice people, it is stressful - but keep up the good work.

Looking forward to Sunday,

Oli - ILLU


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Your raids have been much more than fair, more than once I've run out of patience while you seem to keep your cool.

Looking forward to Sunday.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Prolly as you got enough from the people on your TG raid, i´d say you start to get more strict. Can´t be true you do a raid just to get flamed. People really gotta start use their heads ffs >_<

Less mercy for the afkish people or babbling ones too..


Loyal Freddie
Jun 17, 2004
I'll try to be there if I can find time to get the pre-req's done :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I will again be there with my BD as i have been on your other raids.Thks for running these m8 they have helped loads.


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
Raid back on as soon as the servers are up?.. or 10-20 minutes after they get up so we can all take the time to log in?


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 5, 2004
something like this: server goes up, we make sure relics are safe and then we try gather up again and hope it doesnt take too long, but we will try wait for everyone to get a fair chance to get back in the raid :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
yeps :)..

<Freetha wonders where the Goa Rep. has run off to.. the guy that's supposed to talk to us when this happens>


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Excal is permanently down here in England :/

Would be interesting to know the specs of the Excalibur server.....

I'm guessing ZX-81 1mb ram :>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Thks for another nice raid khra once we got the server back it went without a hitch.

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