Ml6 raid Saturday 2 PM GMT


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Since the other ml6 raid is max 8 groups and i'm sure lot more will need this raid will try and lead one on Saturday 2 pm GMT.Rules are follow

(thanks for mistar saving me writing this up again :D )

What you must do before the raid :

You MUST do the solo task 6.5 (loc: 18k 28k Typhons reach) - WE WILL NOT BE DOING THIS STEP ON THE RAID, if you do not know how to do this step take a look at this walkthrough: here.

I would also recomend that if you are able to solo a red con that you find & kill a Haje-Uraei (spawns in/near lava in typhons reach) which is a red con Ureaus snake (6.1) We will look for him on raid but cant guarentee everyone will get that step ,so propose everyone go out there and kill's him with few friends.

Times & location info

We will meet at 2 PM GMT (uk time) at Volcanus Haven and the battlegroup will be on me (Definitely ).

Info for people not yet on ml6

If you're not net ml6, you are still welcome on this raid - if you complete every step of ml6 with the raid (including doing the 6.5 solo trial before coming on the raid) and kill the boss at 6.10 with the raid then you will get credit for all steps 6.1->6.10 (yes, 6.10 too) so that when you complete ml5 ml6 will already be completed except for the MLxp requirement.

That's all for now,Hope to get good turnout.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
I'm Up for it


I'll be there.I have done ML 6.5 already.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bit more info

6.5 walktrought is right over here

And 6.1 walktrought which i pretty much recommend to do is here

And this means 28th march :)

PS: Can i get sticky for this pretty please.

OT: What happened to edit button :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
Ill be there, still need 6.10. I would recommend making 6.1 a pre raid requirment as you have done for 6.5. The credit for this can only be obtained group by group and if u have a lot of groups without it will take some time, (cobra eggs spring to mind). On the last ml 6 raid we stopped for 2 hours allow everyone to do 6.1 and then did 6.10. If u plan to do it all tho in one go do have ppl do 6.5 and 6.1 beforehand in 2-3 ppl groups if nessacary. Just an idea.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
you'll be hearing from my lawyer about copywright issues



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thanks for all who came,shame taur zerg proved they had more than us but we will get this some other time :)

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