ML5 BG-STEPS - Saturday the 27th August @ 18.30 GMT


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
ML5 BG Raid - Saturday 18.30 GMT

Greetings all,

I will try to hold ML5 BG Steps (5.9 , 5.10) this Saturday the 27th August @ 18.30 GMT.
This will be my first PUBLIC raid so, go easy on me ;)

ML5 BG-Steps Meeting Point
Place : Stygia Heaven
Time : Saturday the 27th August @ 18.30 GMT
BG Holder : Mordrig

ML5 BG-Steps Time Zones
GMT Time : GMT Time posted in Raid
BST Time : BST Time / GMT Time
CET Time : CET Time / GMT Time
Time converter : Convert time to GMT

ML5 BG-Steps Requirements :
- ML1 to Enter Dungeon;
- ML5 Groups-Steps Done (.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8);
- Wrap/Resin/Mask of the ways (from group steps) to use on 5.9;

ML5 BG-Steps Notes :
- We are going to adventure in the depths of the Halls of Ma'ati, a dangerous place to be if we are not all working together and concentrated. The River of Lava that we need to cross can be fatal, without returning, unless our healer fellows that will join us in this adventure, has the magic power of a wonderfull artifact, that can save our lives. We must stick together all the time as a unit, be very carefull with that river of lava and try not to go near him.
- 5.9 is a group step that requires completion of Group-Steps writed above;
- 5.9 CAN'T be grantcredit because it's a group step;
- You can ride the boat without mummy form, but you will constantly face Ammut's Judgement;

ML5 BG-Steps Lotto Rules :
- Lotto will be free for all;
- Only 1 item win per adventurer;
- Random 1000;
- Lotto will be done in Ammut's Chamber (5.10);

ML5 BG-Steps Rules/Considerations :
- Listen what BG leader/leaders say about steps;
- Try to go easy on leader/leaders;
- Keep BG Chat free for BG talk;
- Try not to go afk (because what i described in BG-Step Notes);
- Have Fun;

As i said above, this will be my first Public raid. I hope all goes smooth, and all that attend the raid have fun.

See you there.

Best Regards,


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
I'd love to join you with my cleric and can bring a paly or fop bb to help, but I need the group steps. If anyone else is in the same situation maybe we could do them before the BG raid....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Baron said:
I'd love to join you with my cleric and can bring a paly or fop bb to help, but I need the group steps. If anyone else is in the same situation maybe we could do them before the BG raid....
If enough ppl is interest, i will help with group steps Saturday Morning (09.00 GMT)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 21, 2005
I need grp steps and bg step so i wud come :cheers: (i hav 45 cleric)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Some notes from this raid for future raids :

- You won't get mummy form without completing all previous group-steps : .1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8;
- We had ppl on BG with .6,.7,.8 done (the ones that give items) and didn't get mummy form;

Thanks all that joined this raid and make it a success.
We were able to control adversities and we make it in the end, due to all efforts from you guys.
Very well played by all.
We can still done things "small-zerg way" ;)

Cheers to all :cheers:


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