ML5 BG Steps (5.9 & 5.10) Sunday 2nd may 20cet


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2004
I will lead a raid for the two bg trials of ML5 (5.9 and 5.10) sunday evening (2nd may). We will leave Stygia haven at 20.00 cet, bg will be up latest 19.45 on my healer Ozird. We will do a short stop when entering Necropolis (Halls of Ma'ati) to gather people who had their char logged inside the dungeon and to sort groups.

Some remarks:

1) you must be ML1 to be able to enter the ML5 dungeon.

2) We will ONLY do 5.9 and 5.10. To get credit for 5.10 you must have finished the group encounters 5.1-5.8 prior to the raid. A well rounded group can do those trials in 2 hours.

3) If you haven't done 5.9 yet you will need the 3 items Resin, Mask and Wrap of the way (5.6, 5.7, 5.8 ) to transform into a mummy. If you have done 5.9 already you do NOT need those 3 items - the NPC will transform you into a mummy just by speaking to him. (This is to the best of my knowledge, please correct me if I am wrong.)

4) For those unfamilar with ML5: we will cross a bridge over and later on enter a boat on a black river. The "water" is in fact lava and will kill you immidiatly when you drop into it. WANRING: due to line of sight problems you can't be rezzed when you drop into the river. So be careful when you are near the river and do NOT stick when entering the boat.

5) The 5.10 end mob has adds that are immune to normal melee attacks. People who have their Belt of the Sun at level 10 should have their appropiate weapon ready (keep an eye on day/night times to make the weapon in time). Casters can of course damage those adds, too.

6) We will only do lotto for the items that drop from the ml 5.10 end mob. You can only win one item and please be honest and only enter lotto for items you really want to use. Items (and scrolls) that drop on the way go to the lucky one who picks them up.

7) As usual: please be there in time, keep the spam low and listen to the raid leader. If we have enough people this will be a pretty short raid (2-2.5 hours).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Xenja will be there as well, I'm Ani's speedbot :worthy:



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Savage rdy and all items got, Also my bro will join 50 pac healer(Pakk) also got all items.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I can probably come but I need 5.2 also. Going to try make a group for that before the raid.

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