I introduce me, healer lvl50, spec mend/pac, proud to be member of Nazgul guild.
I d like to lead a raid that s why I propose a ml4 raid, bg steps only on Sunday the 20th of June at 14h CET at Stygia Delta Town.
I'm sure i m not the best to lead a raid, but i ll try my best.
Before the raid, u must have done 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 solo and group steps, and so have corresponding drops, namely the Bloodstone, Eye of Ra and Sunstone. BloodStone is not mandatory to all ppl. Be aware of we wont do these steps.
For 4.4 u need to kill a green mob, a Miw-Shesekhmet , but a lot of inc when u pull it, so we could do 4.4 as well, if needed, but it will be nice if u try once before joining raid. Moreover, if we have time, and if it's all running well, we could do ml5.9 and ml5.10 steps, so have done 5.1 to 5.8 groups steps, if u want ml5 as well, ( dont forget corresponding drops as well, Canopic Jar (Intensines), Canopic Jar (Stomach), Canopic Jar (Lung), Canopic Jar (Liver), Resin of the Ways, Mask of the Ways, Wrap of the Ways )
ML5.9 and ML5.10 would be extras and they r not scheduled, but be ready, i mean do ml5 group steps, if all goes well and if most of ppl r up to do it.
Btw, dont be late, we ll try to start raid with the harder step, i mean 4.2 one with 6fgs at least.
I recommend if you join a raid, to read about how steps work before joining, a great site with information about ML's is www.visionofsages.com/toa/ <http://www.visionofsages.com/toa/>
Visit it, read it and print it. A raid leader isn't a god, a raid leader makes mistakes, a raid leader listens to others and a raid leader is a human-being. If you think we doing something wrong, or going the wrong way, I rather see someone telling me than having all kinds of talking arround your back. A raid can never succeed if it isn't for the people who come along. A BG raid with 3 people will never succeed, even if you know everything about the game and you know how to succesfull pull. A raid succes depends on how many people who join.
So you are convinced, and want to join. Welcome
- First Bind in Stygia if u want lotto after the raid, it will be done just after the raid.
- Don't go afk too long. Sure you can go afk now and than in the raid for a drink, toilet break or a quick 'wife pleasuring'
but please don't go afk 3 hours. Its so annoying to see people being afk behind and than complain 20 minutes later they didn't get credit.
We will lotto with a 'human' BG people, player + bot are set as 1 try.
The items will be lotto'd after the ml4 raid Stygia, just after the raid has finished.
In Stygia, we do 1 roll. Highest roll is getting the chance of picking first, and 2nd highest roll get second choice.. and so on.
I will tell all the names after roll in which order. Again, I'm a human being, if you see I made a mistake tell me, and I will correct it.
As bg leader I will claim remains of Matikhoras for my guild
So you joined my raid, and you have complaints about my decisions, leading abilities. PM me here with what I did wrong and what I could have done better. I'm learning to lead and feedback is something I admire. If you have personal issues or think you could have done better. Start your own raid and invite me to join to learn and I will try to make it and see how you do it.
Thanks for taking the time to read, and if everyone who comes on this raid has done the same thing as you and read this. It will be a (with any hope) a succesfull raid.
See you in game or on the BG raid.
I introduce me, healer lvl50, spec mend/pac, proud to be member of Nazgul guild.
I d like to lead a raid that s why I propose a ml4 raid, bg steps only on Sunday the 20th of June at 14h CET at Stygia Delta Town.
I'm sure i m not the best to lead a raid, but i ll try my best.
Before the raid, u must have done 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 solo and group steps, and so have corresponding drops, namely the Bloodstone, Eye of Ra and Sunstone. BloodStone is not mandatory to all ppl. Be aware of we wont do these steps.
For 4.4 u need to kill a green mob, a Miw-Shesekhmet , but a lot of inc when u pull it, so we could do 4.4 as well, if needed, but it will be nice if u try once before joining raid. Moreover, if we have time, and if it's all running well, we could do ml5.9 and ml5.10 steps, so have done 5.1 to 5.8 groups steps, if u want ml5 as well, ( dont forget corresponding drops as well, Canopic Jar (Intensines), Canopic Jar (Stomach), Canopic Jar (Lung), Canopic Jar (Liver), Resin of the Ways, Mask of the Ways, Wrap of the Ways )
ML5.9 and ML5.10 would be extras and they r not scheduled, but be ready, i mean do ml5 group steps, if all goes well and if most of ppl r up to do it.
Btw, dont be late, we ll try to start raid with the harder step, i mean 4.2 one with 6fgs at least.
I recommend if you join a raid, to read about how steps work before joining, a great site with information about ML's is www.visionofsages.com/toa/ <http://www.visionofsages.com/toa/>
Visit it, read it and print it. A raid leader isn't a god, a raid leader makes mistakes, a raid leader listens to others and a raid leader is a human-being. If you think we doing something wrong, or going the wrong way, I rather see someone telling me than having all kinds of talking arround your back. A raid can never succeed if it isn't for the people who come along. A BG raid with 3 people will never succeed, even if you know everything about the game and you know how to succesfull pull. A raid succes depends on how many people who join.
So you are convinced, and want to join. Welcome
- First Bind in Stygia if u want lotto after the raid, it will be done just after the raid.
- Don't go afk too long. Sure you can go afk now and than in the raid for a drink, toilet break or a quick 'wife pleasuring'
We will lotto with a 'human' BG people, player + bot are set as 1 try.
The items will be lotto'd after the ml4 raid Stygia, just after the raid has finished.
In Stygia, we do 1 roll. Highest roll is getting the chance of picking first, and 2nd highest roll get second choice.. and so on.
I will tell all the names after roll in which order. Again, I'm a human being, if you see I made a mistake tell me, and I will correct it.
As bg leader I will claim remains of Matikhoras for my guild
So you joined my raid, and you have complaints about my decisions, leading abilities. PM me here with what I did wrong and what I could have done better. I'm learning to lead and feedback is something I admire. If you have personal issues or think you could have done better. Start your own raid and invite me to join to learn and I will try to make it and see how you do it.
Thanks for taking the time to read, and if everyone who comes on this raid has done the same thing as you and read this. It will be a (with any hope) a succesfull raid.
See you in game or on the BG raid.