Arnor is doing this ML because he feel sorry for me
Last tim he did ML4 i went LD on 4.8 so didnt get 4.8 and 4. 10....
tried again later and went LD on 4.10....
So Arnor... i`m the one claiming
How nice to end a raid with letting someone not stated in post claim 1 item, 1 of the lootholders runs off with the drops, and then have ppl to reroll coz "i cba to check numbers"...
I didnt "run" off with any of the items. Why do you say this? you got pissed couse there where 2-3 other people there, wanting items, and since I didnt know about the thing, I did the set up on people the old fashion way, and I listed about 10-15 ppl up.. but it turned out most ppl didnt care
about the drops becouse the only good ones where the 2 mob remains. there were 6-7 rogs and 5 keys and 2 mw drops.. I claimed one and one other went
out in lotto.
So im sorry, I asked you after the reroll you got 1 out of /random 100 if I
recall correctly, if you wanted a item now? Anyway cba with this crap,
calling me named etc is not nice when I took the responsibilty to lotto the
items? And fyi this was my first time lottoing out items from a large raid, and
again did I mention the items where crap?
I didnt say u ran off with the items, i said one of the looters did, i dont remember who had what drops but there were many drops missing from the lotto.
And yes, the good drops went on 3-4 highest persons and yes ppl got their ML done, but still, do some ppl expect that others will be happy if drops just disapere from lotto and if a good roll dosnt count anymore coz the one holding lotto cba to check numbers, i mean omg, how hard can it be to just use lotto-tool or just ask the few still standing there "what did u roll?"...
How nice to end a raid with letting someone not stated in post claim 1 item, 1 of the lootholders runs off with the drops, and then have ppl to reroll coz "i cba to check numbers"...
i said, 2minutes after we started for the first step: Tiac may be claiming an item depending on how much he needs to help me(it was when i was explaining about my own situation and why i might need help), if you cant read english, you arent entitled to an opinion on my raids, sorry.
and the reason i just threw keys around before 4.10 was because of the mentioned reasons in bg, plus the fact that i was playing on a laptop @ 640x480 and cbfa to open intarweb explorarr.
Thanks alot to tiac for helping me, without that we prolly wouldve stranded somewhere with my hands cramping and me typing curses in caps with my nose.
except from doing a couple of steps a couple of times, and a couple of other speedbumps i call this a decent raid in my book everything considered.
thanks for attending, now pray with me so i can stay away from the comp so my hands can heal.
edit: it was only me&tiac who had loot(and my extention, caf at 4.10) the few items that didnt make it to the lotto still are on coiin, the reason i didnt hand them over was that they fucking suck and would only take extra time to lotto. If you want to see them to confirm their suckyness thats fine, but trust me, this was Lewinski-class sucking.
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