ml4 FFA BG Steps Raid Sunday 30th 15:00 gmt


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Ive tried to get inhold of a forum moderator for 9 hours now. and noone seems to want to help me...

Delete the 29th post.. this is the right one.

Main Rules.
Dont be a f*cktard if we fail. we gladly take tips on how the raid shall be runned. but dont be twats. and yes. you can blaim Belxavier if we fail. :twak: (wub you belx :wub: )

Meeting place : Stygia.

Time : 15:00 GMT

Raid Leaders : Belxavier + Jeralinnon

Drops : only the char you bring to the raid.

Steps : The BG ones, you need ml4.1,3 and 4. Belxavier would like to help people that miss the pre-reqs. just PM Him for info and he will set up a pre-req raid.

make sticky please so i dont have to Bump it now and then ;)

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