As topic says, BG raid ML4, ML5 and ML6 ML7 and ML8 BG steps @ 19.00 CET
Who: Galeli-exc
Where: Meeting stygia haven
When: Moving from stygia haven at 19.00 CET sharp!
Raids will be done fast, no waiting for LD's etc.
AFK get kicked
Flowing antalya shawl will be claimed by me if it drops, rest of loot is for whoever gets it.
Questions, PM Upp-exc, or ask for Upp to any 1 in Mythology.
Cya tonight!
Who: Galeli-exc
Where: Meeting stygia haven
When: Moving from stygia haven at 19.00 CET sharp!
Raids will be done fast, no waiting for LD's etc.
AFK get kicked
Flowing antalya shawl will be claimed by me if it drops, rest of loot is for whoever gets it.
Questions, PM Upp-exc, or ask for Upp to any 1 in Mythology.
Cya tonight!