Fafnir said:Well, well how do I put this. Tuesday when i was goin home after work I had a run in with a car that didnt end up as I thought as yesterday after the dragonraid I started coughing up a little blood, so i went to the hospital and they admitted me with 1 broken and 3 cracked ribs, and a concussion. Didnt feel it when it happened due to eating painkiller my broken leg. So dunno if i'll be home saturday. Or If I will feel good enough to be able to run this ml.
Think someone wanted to teach me a lesson. Not to have a beer while on codeine. Now i'm home again, still unsure how long i manage to play, painfull even sitting up`mongoose said:Jesus Faf u run over any black cats recently whilst driving under a ladder and smashing any mirrors u see?
Run over whilst you have a broken leg - harsh! L
Get well soon