Lince lead a ml3 raid for all need credits or ml xp. All are welcome
Pre req for this raid:
1 - Get Kepa and Antinoos quest from treasurer hunter on the left side inside the Temple of Twilinght. U only need speak with him, no kill, and say kepa and antinoos, check u journal to be sure u get the quest.
2 - Get a neck from a triton shaman and kill Moughart before the raid (purple mob with 5 adds, can be done with a fg). Loc of Moughart is random, check this ones:
2.6 21.4 in mesothalassa
4k 16k meso.
37k, 49k meso
44.5k 20.5k in mesothalassa
We´ll go from Aerus Haven 19:30 cet 19 august (no wait) to make 3.7, 3.6, 3.8, 3.1 and get swords and eggs to make 3.5 on friday if we cant make the same day.
We´ll go from Aerus Haven 19:00 cet 20 august to make 3.5, 3.3, 3.9, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.10 (we go directly to make 3.5, if we dont get this step on thursday, no farm eggs or sword this day)
Thanks all join the raid.
Pre req for this raid:
1 - Get Kepa and Antinoos quest from treasurer hunter on the left side inside the Temple of Twilinght. U only need speak with him, no kill, and say kepa and antinoos, check u journal to be sure u get the quest.
2 - Get a neck from a triton shaman and kill Moughart before the raid (purple mob with 5 adds, can be done with a fg). Loc of Moughart is random, check this ones:
2.6 21.4 in mesothalassa
4k 16k meso.
37k, 49k meso
44.5k 20.5k in mesothalassa
We´ll go from Aerus Haven 19:30 cet 19 august (no wait) to make 3.7, 3.6, 3.8, 3.1 and get swords and eggs to make 3.5 on friday if we cant make the same day.
We´ll go from Aerus Haven 19:00 cet 20 august to make 3.5, 3.3, 3.9, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.10 (we go directly to make 3.5, if we dont get this step on thursday, no farm eggs or sword this day)
Thanks all join the raid.