As topic says, we'll do 3.4 (Lao), 3.10 (Meduza) and prolly 3.3 (Casta) cos a couple of guildies went ld on that one yesterday.
Meet in Aerus, get there at least in 10 mins before raid starts.
I'll hold public bg (Bouhh). After raid there will be a lotto arranged.
Exstimated durration - 1.5-3h. (depends on how many ppl would join).
Please get at least a few underwater breathing potion with you.
Fell free to join for ML exp, we have enuff ppl who havent done it yet.
PS. We won't do any other but listed steps unless it's realy at our route and easy to kill.
Meet in Aerus, get there at least in 10 mins before raid starts.
I'll hold public bg (Bouhh). After raid there will be a lotto arranged.
Exstimated durration - 1.5-3h. (depends on how many ppl would join).
Please get at least a few underwater breathing potion with you.
Fell free to join for ML exp, we have enuff ppl who havent done it yet.
PS. We won't do any other but listed steps unless it's realy at our route and easy to kill.