oki im going to setup a ml3 raid pls do all pre steps on for hand they will be done earlier pls look up at VoS for pre`s if alot of people need it still i will do them aswel but that will greatlychange time to do ml3
Loto will be free for all but you will only get 1 mp ppiece each if all are done will lotto rest to the on`s wanting it
raid will be on friday the 3th at 8isch gmt starting point aerus
be there in time will wait 10 min for late commers
Loto will be free for all but you will only get 1 mp ppiece each if all are done will lotto rest to the on`s wanting it
raid will be on friday the 3th at 8isch gmt starting point aerus
be there in time will wait 10 min for late commers