ML3 bg mini-raid Weds 7pm GMT 3.9 3.2 3.4 3.10


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
ML3 bg mini-raid Weds 715pm GMT 3.9 3.2 3.4 3.10

This is for everyone - come and get some ML xp, and also it is for the people that the raid failed for on Sunday night. Remember water potions, bring some boats - and hopefully it will be a quick in and out mission.

Meetingplace is AERUS and BG will be up 19.15 GMT (20.15 CET), we will try to move out 19.45 GMT.

This is primarily just to get more middies ML3 so that they can take place in the ML7 raid this Sunday.

Raidrules: Listen to raidleader and do as you're told. If ppl LD we will wait a few mins for them. We will wait 3 mins for LD, if same person goes LD 3 times we wont wait anymore. You can choose to join midraid or for 3.10 only (if you can get there) but only those that joined from start will enter lotto.

Lottorules: All 99% and MP-drops, scrolls, remains, keys and ML-respecc will be lottoed. Lotto is one big roll, highest picks first, second highest next etc until everything is gone. The keys however will be on a separate lotto directly after Medusa is dead and those that won keys can lotto again in the item-lotto which will be held in AERUS.
Important rule: Do NOT suicide directly after Medusa is dead but stick around until those that won keys have opened the chests!

Hope to see you on Wednesday night! The more the merrier.

3.9 Sinovia's Power Relinquished - doing for ml xp - straight up melee
3.2 Kepa's Downfall and Cure for Kepa - doing for ml xp - straight up melee
3.4 Laodamedia's Furious End
3.10 Conquering Twilight


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Hmmm I can't seem to change the outside time on the link into the thread. 1915 GMT meeting time (not 1900 as the outside says) just to confirm :>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Pure Vision will be joining this mini-raid (fg, 2sm's, 2 tanks, 3 healers, 1 shaman + a fop bot) ... But we havent done anything of ML3 (except the outside-ml3 prequests), so we'll be breaking off when you go to 3.10... (If time permits ofc)

Anyone is free to join, but we expect that you have done all prequests (including egg)... If we cant finish it, we'll arrange a full ML3 raid later (perhaps weekend / early next week)...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Still wearing malmo armour? :)

P.S tell taglim I still hate him


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Glad to hear you are coming along Pure Vision :>


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Hope it's possible to make step 3.6 and 3.7 cause these are really easy with a zerg and i missed these 2 steps on sunday's raid =/ so i net .6 , .7, .4, .10 =/

i REALLY wanna have ml3 finished kinda boring that i can't join on guild raids in ml7 and so on...=/

besides i tried yesterday arranging a raid for .6 and .7 but didn't manage even a fg ( sob ) , so please ! I BEG OF U MY MASTER HELP ME OUT IN THIS HARD MOMENT ! =>

/fastkiller now renamed to Fastrunner a Cult Hero in Albion ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Just read my reply, if it wasnt clear, if time permits we'll be doing the rest of ML3... (Was late, I was sure I typed that too, must have forgotten ;))

We're going to ML3 before this raid starts to get the egg + sword and a stomach... So hopefully we can pursade the raid leader to kill the big bad shark outside, with 2-3 FG he's easy, if we where to do it on our own it would well... Take a while... ;) (even though I think it is possible)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
3.6 - Glowing Barracuda's Fading
3.7 - Shraogh's Fear Removed

Hmmmm - it all depends on lots of things. If you guys farm the eel stomach and shraogh is outside - and we have the numbers - perhaps :> After all, it is ML xp.
And the barracuda's again - maybe - but I am not promising anything.
I've been on a few ML3 raids now and they tend to drag on and on and ppl get in trouble with gf's, so like I said - I really just want to do a quick in and out mission. If we have a lot of people, maybe some of you guys could get there earlier and try and do those 2 steps?

We'll have to see how it goes with numbers etc.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Well any bit helps ofc ;)

If the shark is outside and we have the stomach, I'd appreciate the help killing him... Saves us some time... Any help on the other part(s) would be appreciated too, but I fully understand it if you dont want to do them... We'd be fine with giving it a go ourselves with anyone still missing the other parts...

ML3 is a big time-sink, done it 3 times on alb and still have nightmares ;)

But as said, we'll join you on the steps you described, and go from there...


Dec 22, 2003
Once prequests are done, its easily possible to do all of ML3 inside 3 hours (2hours 54 mins is my record, i'll look to beat that if PV do another ML3 raid) ;)



Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Thanks to all the people that came along! I think at one point there were 40 maybe even 50 ppl :>

As you may have guessed - this was my first raid where I have tried to "lead" it and thanks to all the people that helped and all the honest people that gave the items to my shammy - every time I screwed up the /bg treasurer settings :>

The raid set out to achieve 3.9 3.2 3.4 and 3.10, and with a little arm twisting, we also did 3.7 and 3.6 - all targets achieved in pretty good time.

Not too many LD's, everyone won an item on the lottery, I apologise to the group that missed out on Shraogh outside - it was pulled by someone getting aggro :( and also to the people who missed out on the Kepa - because someone talked to Kepa before half of us got there :/ BUT - apart from that - we did the nasty 3.4 Laodameia step (which I was sweating about) even after I took us via Medusa :)

And after learning that to kill Medusa - it is just melee for teh win - I hope there are now at least another 20+ people who are ML3, who will be able to go on the ML7 raid on Sunday. I already had ML3 - so was doing most of the steps to get some ML xp and get people a chance to go on this ML7 raid.

Thanks go to Pure Vision too for helping.

Now I will go and sleep :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
hehe ,thank pure for going back with that grp and killing the shark again. :clap:

Got encounter first time ,so did most of them i think but Pantera saw it for the easy kill it is so np to do it again.

Got wiped at moire on account of some afk'ers and tha pad of doom.
Then again i hear they are planning to do the whole ml over again soon.

:puke: to ppl orgenising raids for the steps only they need imo,had at least 3 groups with us to do other steps,that more then half your raid right there,not that anyone gives a shit ofc :touch:


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Battusai " :puke: to ppl orgenising raids for the steps only they need imo,had at least 3 groups with us to do other steps,that more then half your raid right there,not that anyone gives a shit ofc :touch: "

I'd just like to point out that this raid was a continuation of one that a lot of the people were on, on Sunday night just gone. We failed at 3.4 Laodamedia - we got totally wiped - which actually only left us with 2 steps to do, 3.4 and 3.10. I decided to firstly do only those 2 steps, but then looked at the possibility of trying to get more ML xp - so we added 3.9 and 3.2 as they were pretty straight forward melee steps.
Then as some people needed 3.7 and 3.6, we also added those.

The point is - this was never meant to be a full raid - this was a continuation of Sunday night's raid, + a few extra steps so that the people coming on it got at least some ML xp.

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Can an admin "unstick" this thread now :>

Never seen so many sticky threads - looks like middies are getting their act together on the ML front \o/

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