ML3 15th april, 19:00CET (18:00GMT)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Starting location: Aerus, Prydwen
Time: 19:00CET (18:00GMT)
BG on: Roxstaranytimestar-p

BG will be on LISTEN
for random trash info. (and map, so you know the way if you get left behind due to afk reason, or ld)

If turnup if very low i will shroom this with shadowz and we will claim whatever drops we want since you just have to be afk and not "needed".

If there is a good turnup i wont have to login 5chars etc, i will ONLY claim ring of moirai or gem of moirai, i will only claim one of them IF they drop.

This is supposed to be a fast raid, and i will not be waiting for any LD's, if you go LD, you will have to find your way to rest of the raid, and PM me what grantcredit you missed. TIMER IS 10min (imo the entire point why they added grantcredit, so why not use it.)

Lotto will be held at the end by Medusa, everyone do random 1000, winner will get to choose first item etc, untill all items are gone, crap rogs will not be rolled.

Hope to see you in aerus!, so i dont have to dual log =)

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