Will host another ML2 hunt - all steps but not 2.8 (solo step)
Meet Stygia at 10:45 am GMT and form balanced grps. Pyrobird will have public bg. Raid will leave at 11 am GMT.
Due to 2.10 the raid is limited to 3 fgs, so plz sign up below with class and lvl.
1) Raid will not wait on ppl doing 2.8, so plz do that before joining saturday.
2) Will form balanced groups and post the grps here friday afternoon. Dont take it personal if youre not selected. 3 fgs of fotm sorcs and cabbys wont do us any good...
Lotto rules:
- non-class specific lotto
- only keys and 99%+100% qual drops will be lottoed
- 1 item pr. person (max)
- bb's do not roll
Remember to bring water pots.
Co-GM of ASq
Meet Stygia at 10:45 am GMT and form balanced grps. Pyrobird will have public bg. Raid will leave at 11 am GMT.
Due to 2.10 the raid is limited to 3 fgs, so plz sign up below with class and lvl.
1) Raid will not wait on ppl doing 2.8, so plz do that before joining saturday.
2) Will form balanced groups and post the grps here friday afternoon. Dont take it personal if youre not selected. 3 fgs of fotm sorcs and cabbys wont do us any good...
Lotto rules:
- non-class specific lotto
- only keys and 99%+100% qual drops will be lottoed
- 1 item pr. person (max)
- bb's do not roll
Remember to bring water pots.
Co-GM of ASq