ML2.7. Help Please

Jakus Morgan

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
It seems that raids are adding ML2.7 as a pre req for ML2 raids.

Just tried to do the group step, Terror, with a group of 7.
All I could get out of mob was that it's been done recently.
VoS says that it's on a 45 min repop timer & we were there at least 90 mins.
Saw nobody else in dungeon at all.

Does it have a to be a full group to get the step to start?

The solo step seems ridiculously hard.
Tired of waiting after so long our Thane (fully buffed) tried it & died in the tunnel, so what chance does my healer have.

And if you're going to do the BG step you might as well do the whole raid anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
the solo part its very easy for a stealth i did it with my sb was lots of yellow - red con mobs un there and i dont understand how any other char than stealther can make it

Jakus Morgan

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Keeilb said:
the solo part its very easy for a stealth i did it with my sb was lots of yellow - red con mobs un there and i dont understand how any other char than stealther can make it

Exactly the way it seemed to me.
So thats out.

What I really want to know is do you need a full group to trigger the group encounter, Terror.

Don't want to collect a full group & go back if that wasn't the problem.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I solod it with my healer

ok theres 2 really shitty bits in there that it basically will get you aggro if not stealthed, you should be able to get to the top of the slope without pulling aggro (get instas ready on QB) MEZZ is your friend as soon as ou get aggro sprint and have speed going for the box use your healing instas to gain extra life.

when close to the box click on it like made.

TIP:try going high and right near tunnel (unless mob there) found this to be less populated side.

And Good luck


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i (the thane) got to the end of the tunnel and couldnt do anything about the box, i just got loads of aggro once i got there by the orange con sharks :(

Jakus Morgan

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
We just managed to do "horror" with aug healer ,2 bots, kobbie warrior and a thane

(We had FoP and FoH, which helped big time)

It's remains bugged though (terror that is) as it still says unavailable.

The thane even died at start but we got him back up & carried on. :D

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