

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
anyone interested in doing this final step before sundays ml3 post here , i know quite a few missed a couple of the stages last night due to ld's etc {i had to log due to time , it was 11.30 and i start work at 4.30 :/} , if your missing others as well as 2.10 , post here so i have an idea of how many need to do before sunday , i will then arrange a day to do these , prolly saturday depending on numbers. we wont be doing all of ml2 just what we missed last night. the main misses were 2.7 and 2.9 afiak so these are the ones we'll repeat if enough need it , then will advance onto 2.10.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
aaah you heard my paryors!!!:worthy:

when i joined the raid yesterday i only needed 2.10, and guess what?! i still need it!! because one of those fucking harpys grabbed me right at the end of the step so i didn't get any credit for it.
Not enought with that, Runihura allmost insta popped, but instead of killing her again ppl started to whine about the drops/lotto for 30 fucking minutes and then most ppl left and we were unable to do the step again.

Now for this raid I will play my buffbot Augshammy. So when we are doing 2.10 im simply just gonna log on Zaphira and join the BG with her and let her leech the credit, since she is logged up at Runihura I dont really see any problem with it, and you will get some extra healing power and some fotm buffs from a shaman with 50 aug specc and +26% to enchantments.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
yes ill be doing it on the 18th , start time will be 1800 gmt at stygia , im hoping for 2 fg's at least , myself and scowl will be there , peeps are welcome to attend for ml xp even if they have done this before.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Ello Uku, nice plan mate :)

I also had to lag at about that time, and so my skald would indeed need steps 2.7-2.10. Any day works for me, just wanna know it a bit in advance.

Kind regards



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
congrates to peeps who attended with me tonight , all went without a hitch and im glad you made it up at the last minute shode {i think that was ur name} damn harpys didnt like ya but we rezzed ya in time so nm , also thanx to my m8 scowl for helping on gamevoice {rl friend of mine} hope to see peeps tomorrow on ml3.

Bazza Bones

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 22, 2004
Nice one Uku and Scowl it went very smoothly, thanx from all the Nazgul who where on the raid that needed the last steps .

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