As topic says, BG raid ML1, ML2 and ML3 BG steps @ 20.00 CET
Who: Galeli-exc
Where: Meeting volcanus haven
When: Moving from volc haven at 20.00 CET sharp!
Mythology guild is bringing 4 animists ml9.
Raids will be done fast, no waiting for LD's etc.
AFK get kicked
Nothing will be lottoed, as this costs too much time.
Raids will take roughly 3 - 3,5 hour total for all 3.
Questions, PM Upp-exc, or ask for Upp to any 1 in Mythology.
Cya tonight!
Who: Galeli-exc
Where: Meeting volcanus haven
When: Moving from volc haven at 20.00 CET sharp!
Mythology guild is bringing 4 animists ml9.
Raids will be done fast, no waiting for LD's etc.
AFK get kicked
Nothing will be lottoed, as this costs too much time.
Raids will take roughly 3 - 3,5 hour total for all 3.
Questions, PM Upp-exc, or ask for Upp to any 1 in Mythology.
Cya tonight!