ML xp... how do you get it?


Loyal Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
I have now completed ML 1, 2, 3 and up to 4.10. On every single raid I have been to, other people in my group seem to have gotten ML xp for completing encounters at various stages on each raid. I have gained none.

With the exception of 20% of a level from completing the 2.10 encounter, so far the only ML xp I've gained, has been from ML xp mobs... and helping people with earlier encounters. I have done every raid so far with my guild mate. We are both level 50 minstrels, we go on the same raids, we are in the same group, and yet so far, for every master level, he has ended up with 70-100% of the required ML xp to progress to the next level, while I'm stuck with nothing.

It is driving me insane due to the time it takes to get the experience. Am I doing something horribly wrong here or is this an evil bug?


HELP! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
All you have to do to get ML xp is to group with people doing a ML quest you have already completed. You get xp for helping people do a quest you have already done. This is a nice way of making sure there are enough people for raids, cos even if you have already done it done it you get ml XP.

You get ML xp for every person in your group that has not done the quest that you have, so best ML xp is to be had in a fg doing a .10 encounter where you are the only one to have already completed that step, that way you get ml xp for every memeber in your group completing the step.

I think this is the fastest way of gaining ml xp, especially after killing a ML xp mob and getting a whopping 1% xp from it :)


Loyal Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
should you not also get ML xp for doing the actual ML though?
and if not why is ML4 the first time my guildy has had to xp after a ML?

edit: his jumped from 3x% to 87% for just completing the final encounter


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
There might a bug here - when i did 2.10 for example, my ML exp went from about 10% to 100% first time i completed it. And since it was my first time i should have gotten no exp at all despite beeing in a grp that also did it for the first time. Only other possible explanation i can think of is that a gm took pity on us since we were on that encounter alone for 7+ hours ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
"my ML exp went from about 10% to 100% first time i completed it"



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
You only get MLxp if people in your group didn't do that ML*.* yet and you did. Or try killing certain mobs like Princess, Artifact Mobs, Dragon etc.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Khalen said:
You only get MLxp if people in your group didn't do that ML*.* yet and you did. Or try killing certain mobs like Princess, Artifact Mobs, Dragon etc.
Or the priest/priestess (skyros, melos, naxos) in meso gives 1% per kill i think it is. Got 50% of ml xp from theese.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
thats for ml2.11, 3.11, 4.11 etc. when you got the blue bar full on the /master you will get [DONE] mlX.11

And if you completed the rest of the trials for that ml you can go and talk to the arbitrater guy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just make sure you are doing trials that you've already done, while grouped with people who still need credit. Being in the same BG doesn't count, the group does.

e.g. A few weeks ago I did 5.1, 5.3 and 5.7. Last night I put a group together to do 5.1-5.9. So there's me with 7 people who've not done any of these quests. Started with 5.7, they all got credit and I got 24% MLexp.
Moved on to 5.3, 6 of them got credit, one went LD in the encounter, I got another 56% MLexp!!!
We waited for the LD to return and redid the ecounter. That person got credit, and everyone else in the group got another 10% MLexp for helping him get credit.

Named mobs that give MLexp only general give 1-2% and are really not worth the hassle. If I want easy MLexp, I grab an alt on my other account and get it through an easy trial like Barrier.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
ML XP for completing the x.10 steps seem warped; basically the top slots in the group will get alot of XP, and the bottom spot will get none. For example when we did Runihara (2.10) the four top slots got 100% ML XP, 5th got 80%, 6th got 60% and so on. Why Mythic made it this way beats me oO ML XP isn't hard to get though, just get in a group on a raid where most people havn't allready done the stages and your XP will skyrocket; killing artifact mobs seem to be more rewarding at high levels; used to gt a massive 1% for them, ones I killed at ML 7 got me 6-7%.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
All the ppl are correct in saying you need to redo ml steps with ppl who haven't done it yet to get Ml xp. However you dont get any ML xp for redoing a ML you haven't reached yet.
If you need Ml xp to complete ML 2 and you redo a step of Ml 3 or higher, you will not get any ML xp.



Loyal Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
Yes I know you can get xp for going on lower level raids, and grouping with people who haven't done them. Yes I know you can kill mobs for it. That's not what I'm asking. What I'm asking is why people are getting ML xp for doing their encounters whereas I'm getting none... zero... nada...


Path said:
ML XP for completing the x.10 steps seem warped; basically the top slots in the group will get alot of XP, and the bottom spot will get none. For example when we did Runihara (2.10) the four top slots got 100% ML XP, 5th got 80%, 6th got 60% and so on.

In that case would I not be getting at least 20% on each ML? Although I'm fairly sure I was #2 or #3 in group for MLs 2 and 3, yet still got zip.

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