ML rush Sunday 5th November 10am UK time (11am cet)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Rescheduled as promised. Details to follow nearer the time.

ML 1 -> 9

Bring a sense of humour and a silly hat, your gonna need it!

ML1, 2 and 5 pre's need to be done in advance to get credit for all the steps.

I've never pre-claimed on any of my previous raids, this time i'm changing the rules!
I'm going to pre-claim one random person per raid as my biatch. All pray that either Bluebeard or beardsky turns up!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
I've just read vavi's post and he's come up with some good rules that will fit nicely with my raid..
Hopefully he'll not mind me reusing them (although i've made a few tweaks).

During a massive ld ill hide somewhere probably behind a rock. This will give those who didn't LD a good laugh while the unlucky people try to locate us.

Loot. There will be NOOOO Bg loot up except on 7.10. The Lotto will be held after you've all ported out of deep volcanus to ensure no-one beats my rolls.

I am not afraid to kick ppl out, ask the one person from over 250 raids that actually got kicked. Hopefully plenty will come so plenty can mock and laugh at anyone actually following orders. Meaning, Never go afk(unless you need to pee, eat or sexor the dog!) unless told to me personaly in a tell, unless your sexoring the dog, somethings I just don't want to know!.

Listening: Is IMPORTANT (if your not listening you might miss some of the mocking!), After each step, STICK, ppl need grantcredit (you'll probably claim it's you even tho you've got the step, if your not stuck you'll miss out on a valuable opportunity to piss me off). Dont talk to NPC's Unless they look like they are going to hand over candy.

When u need Grandcredit, ull need to stand sticked to me and do /s Need credit for (step). Otherwise u wont get it. U may say in bg that u need it and moving to me ect. None of this will help you get credit ofc cos i'm way to lazy to actually type a name that long and stupid out.. next time name your char Fred!

I have the right to claim up to 2 items from the whole raid. These will only be items that i need. Currently I need a yellow tourmalene and a bag of coins. Make sure you loot these important items or risk my wrath!

I hope u bring a good spirit and mood to the Raid, bring a joke to lighten things up (Bluesky only counts as one persons joke to bring, so you'll have to be fast if he's the joke your bringing!). U can have fun as much as you want, but during the steps may need to pay attention although it's very unlikely.

See ya all Sunday, ask away if you have Questions, although i'm likely just to laugh at you.

Anyone taking any of the previous seriously should definately turn up on the raid.. In fact, i'll probably let them lead the easy steps for a laugh!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Golena said:
I've never pre-claimed on any of my previous raids, this time i'm changing the rules!
I'm going to pre-claim one random person per raid as my biatch. All pray that either Bluebeard or beardsky turns up!
Golena said:
I hope u bring a good spirit and mood to the Raid, bring a joke to lighten things up (Bluesky only counts as one persons joke to bring, so you'll have to be fast if he's the joke your bringing!).

You saying im a laughing stock now AND your personal Biatch Golena? I'm hurt and deeply offended roflmfao :fluffle:

Doubtful I'll turn up as there's no ML's I need atm but for anyone needing them tho if this ML rush goes even half as well as Golena's first one then it will be an excellent raid so I wish you well with it m8 :)

Loved your raid rules in the 2nd post btw - its this attitude that Mid needs more of imo as it makes ALL the difference in a ML BG :worthy:

btw did you mean 10am NOT 10pm in the thread title? if so reply or pm me and ill edit the title for you :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 1, 2006
10pm... ikes... would love to go, but doubt I can stay awake that long especially after coming back from holiday the day before.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 16, 2006
Would love to be a part of this as well, but with work early monday morning.. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Bluesky said:
btw did you mean 10am NOT 10pm in the thread title? if so reply or pm me and ill edit the title for you :)

Lets just change it to be 10am and pretend that never happened eh? :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Golena said:
Lets just change it to be 10am and pretend that never happened eh? :fluffle:
/looks innocent while whistling ;)

What never happened? no idea what your talking about Golena, no honestly, not at all, now way, nevah :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Canceling once again..

There's simply no point in running an ML1->9 rush every weekend, so i'll save my cash and just attend one of the others.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Golena said:
Canceling once again..

There's simply no point in running an ML1->9 rush every weekend, so i'll save my cash and just attend one of the others.
I know who my preference is to run them so its a shame your cancelling Golena even tho its totally understandable with so many ml's going on in the near future.

I will unstick this post now :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I really hope this is happening :>

And make sticky if it is :)

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
And as much as I'd like to be there for most of it, it's my mum's birthday tomorrow :( So I will try and pop in for a little, if I can get back in time.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
illu said:
And as much as I'd like to be there for most of it, it's my mum's birthday tomorrow :( So I will try and pop in for a little, if I can get back in time.

Oli - Illu
Illu, Golena cancelled this ML rush as 2 others were in close proximity to it. Personally I hope he does another one though as it was by far the best ml rush ever :)


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
wtf someones stealing my biatch? you better not go on that raid beard


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Nate said:
wtf someones stealing my biatch? you better not go on that raid beard
pfft... its MISTER Beard to you gimpololboynate and I'm not anyone's biatch..... well not unless my *cough* nurse *cough* says I can be :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
awwww :(

I know sooo many people who wanted to come on this who can't make any of the midweek stuff

hope you feel up to redoing this on another sunday soon Golena :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
OohhoO said:
awwww :(

I know sooo many people who wanted to come on this who can't make any of the midweek stuff

hope you feel up to redoing this on another sunday soon Golena :)

Since alot of the recent ones didn't succeed for a variety of reasons I almost rescheduled this. Around the same time I was thinking of making the post I appeared to contract some kind of plague (ok so it's probably only flu) so it's going to remain cancelled this week.

If I feel better I might be hosting one next weekend, i'll let people know mid-week.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Golena said:
Since alot of the recent ones didn't succeed for a variety of reasons I almost rescheduled this. Around the same time I was thinking of making the post I appeared to contract some kind of plague (ok so it's probably only flu) so it's going to remain cancelled this week.

If I feel better I might be hosting one next weekend, i'll let people know mid-week.

Drink those Lemsips and post new raid! :p

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Take a big whiskey and start planing another ml-rush ;)

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