ML grps for "lesser wanted classes"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I probably wasnt the only one who noticed all the "We need 2 SBs for ML9 pls - there will be reward" or whatever the precise text was on WR /as. The ML9 raid clearly had a problem finding ML8 SBs to help in the raid.

Think about that next time you make a grp for ML5 or ML7 instead of rejecting everyone who isnt Tank, SM or Seer.

I for example have tried getting grp for ML7 grp steps for weeks now, and everytime been rejected with "sry, need tanks" or "sry, need shield". Even ended up being rejected from grp I tried to start myself.

Think before you reject the rogues because as tonights /as clearly showed - you might need us later...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
SeeN said:
I probably wasnt the only one who noticed all the "We need 2 SBs for ML9 pls - there will be reward" or whatever the precise text was on WR /as. The ML9 raid clearly had a problem finding ML8 SBs to help in the raid.

Think about that next time you make a grp for ML5 or ML7 instead of rejecting everyone who isnt Tank, SM or Seer.

I for example have tried getting grp for ML7 grp steps for weeks now, and everytime been rejected with "sry, need tanks" or "sry, need shield". Even ended up being rejected from grp I tried to start myself.

Think before you reject the rogues because as tonights /as clearly showed - you might need us later...

i've taken hunters on group steps.. tbh anyone who takes a perfect group only is an arse.

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
1 sb, 1 hunter, 1 warrior, 1 healer, 2 buffbots(played by warrior+sb) managed to take all groupsteps on ML5 except one.. the step where you need to kill the mob very fast because it spawns red/purp lions.. we got him down to 12-15% two times..

So perfect groups for ML5 etc are just bullshit :p Sure it will speed it up a few minutes perhaps.. but nothing else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
ML Trails and not to mention the sick ml abilitys is the worst devolepment in Daoc history, and mythic know's it now.
all realm's have suffered from TOA, and will continue to do so, and the casual gamers "who is (soon was)" a majority will cancel the supscriptions on Daoc 1 by 1, it has begun, and is directly a impact of TOA.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Generally speaking its a good idea to have atleast 1 shield tank, but yeah - after that (aside from Healers/Shaman) its pretty weak to only allow Savages and Zerk's in your group :(

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