ML 9.10 - Rise of the Phoenix - Tuesday 11th January 19:30 GMT


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Starting place: Aerus Haven
Date/time: Tuesday 11th January 19:30 GMT (20:30 CET)

This is a free for all raid!

The battlegroup will be open (/bg join Esk) at 19:00 GMT (approx), we'll be leaving at 19:30 GMT at the latest.

We'll be doing just 9.10 - Rise of the Phoenix

The pre req for this raid is that you must be ML8 to zone into Aerus, and you must have completed steps 9.1-9.9

Check the VoS ML9 page for more details on what you'll need to do during the raid.

Loot rules: 1 key each maximum, 1 regular drop maximum, items are free for all - any class can roll. Loot will be /random 1000'd.

Also all loot from last Tuesdays raid will be in the lotto for this raid.

If you're going to attend, please post a reply here so I have some idea of how many people are attending.

Theus/Scouts/Infils especially welcome.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
inc whines about how it's not fair that people weren't on the last raid can roll for the loot of the other raid.

I don't care credit > loot

btw thanks for running another raid your .1 to .9 raid was the best ml9 raid I've ever been on.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Shanaia said:
inc whines about how it's not fair that people weren't on the last raid can roll for the loot of the other raid.

I don't care credit > loot

btw thanks for running another raid your .1 to .9 raid was the best ml9 raid I've ever been on.

Well I look on it as a form of bribery to encourage more people to come along and help out getting this step done :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 30, 2004
Count me in with my Cabby Nosheet, who was on the raid the other day :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
i'll come i think, tho i'm absolutely against lottoing last raid's loot with these, so first whiner just arrived :<
but as far as i'm only one that wants to be ml9 with only participating on a raid not organizing one, simply ignore me ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Will be there again with my Scout.

Just a sugestion, how about all those who attended last time get say +50 or something mod on the rolls?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I can help with either pala, mincer or sorc, take your pick.

/Edit Well im fine with "just" beeing able to lotto for Phoenix loot, dont see any reason why I should be allowed to roll for loot from the previous raid, which I didnt attend...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
Earth theurg signing up. (Or scout :p )
I'm fine with only rolling for stuff that drop from step 9.10, if it gets decided to do lotto that way.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Why not just do a full raid ? Would get more people to turn up.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 14, 2004
Will come help with my pally or wizzie, wasn't there for the raid last time so it only seems fair that I only get to roll for phoenix (which is good since it drops great stuff) ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Ezeine said:
Why not just do a full raid ? Would get more people to turn up.

Well the main reason for this is because the last raid showed me that I personally do not really have the time to run this full raid again.

It was 5 hours after the start on the last raid that I called a halt.

9.1-9.9 went very smoothly and we had no problems at all. But I am a married man with a young kid and have to work as well, so staying up to 1am is not really a good plan for me, hence why I decided on just the final part. Now I would consider running a 9.1-9.9 before this, or if someone else feels up to it then I say go for it, then on Tuesday we all get together and do 9.10.

But I personally wil not run another full ML9, majority of my previous ML raids have been split up, ML8 did not (eventually after 3 attempts, even then the full raid took longer than I would have liked) but I have done ML3,4 and 5 splitting the raids to great success. I hoped ML9 would be possible in one run but the Phoenix beat us.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Will be there with Ihrma if sum1 leads a 9.1-9.9 before that!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Ok due to deciding to run a second 9.1-9.9 I have changed my mind on the loot. Also most new sign ups have stated they would not roll anyway.

So I will post a separate thread with lotto details.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Wharfe said:
Well the main reason for this is because the last raid showed me that I personally do not really have the time to run this full raid again.

It was 5 hours after the start on the last raid that I called a halt.

9.1-9.9 went very smoothly and we had no problems at all. But I am a married man with a young kid and have to work as well, so staying up to 1am is not really a good plan for me, hence why I decided on just the final part. Now I would consider running a 9.1-9.9 before this, or if someone else feels up to it then I say go for it, then on Tuesday we all get together and do 9.10.

Be glad it didn't go like my ml9 raid did ;) Took a total of 9 hours for mine, as we were beseiged with all sorts of mishaps.. bugged encounters.. hi camping 1 1/2 hours at the Puissant Iaculus because first time we killed it nobody got credit, and even tho we left for an hour to do other trials when we came back to it as no other trials left to do we had to wait 1 1/2hrs more for it to pop... katri going into uber heal mode and taking god knows how long it was to finally die.. the 9.3 statues wiping us because there was 2 of lethos and OT decided to lagspike and LD 2/3 of us at that point.. various people falling through the floor of the dungeon... some mincer who shall remain nameless not distracting properly so that a generator got repaired on phoenix..

In the end tho, we killed phoenix with only a tiny force actually engaging him.. was iirc only 2 tanks, 2 theurgs spamming pets and some clerics healing, the entire rest of our small raid was busy stopping the generators being repaired..

Oh and it has to be said, scouts rock for taking down generators, since they can safely shoot them without getting aggro of those high purp mobs that circle.. we had one generator get repaired the 2nd time we were fighting phoenix, and 3 scouts were able to take it down pretty quick while the rest of the raid kept the other generators down and kept hitting phoenix so he didn't heal to full again.. Still don't know how we did it ^^

On the plus side, we had had to repeat so much bugged crap that we had enough loot that everybody on the raid got atleast 2 items (some getting 3 or 4).

Hmm yes, anyway, have fun with 9.10 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Yay! :cheers:

Thanks to all those who showed, especially those who got prodded, begged and bribed to join us.

It took a couple of hours but we did it even though the lag was terrible.

Watch this space for ML10 (I need to ding ML9 first and am back in Blighty next week so away from my PC, just hope my parents PC is available)

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