Hi all,
As title says sorry for the short notice but i will be trying to set up a ML 7
group raid Tomorrow night. Steps will include ML 7.1 to 7.6
So far i have me 50 fop Druid and rr7 NS
other welcome plz leave names classes here plan to meet
volc at 7pm GMT
thx all Veatha
PS all drops rolled for at the end ofc.
As title says sorry for the short notice but i will be trying to set up a ML 7
group raid Tomorrow night. Steps will include ML 7.1 to 7.6
So far i have me 50 fop Druid and rr7 NS
other welcome plz leave names classes here plan to meet
volc at 7pm GMT
thx all Veatha
PS all drops rolled for at the end ofc.