As the title says.
Sign up for a free spot and meet styg @ 1845
we will leave @ 1900 on the nose and I will start replacing peeps at 1855 so please, if you sign up be on time
1. Druid - Misteal
2. Druid
3. Wardy/Bard
4. PB - Adlawynn
5. PB
6. Shield Tank
7. Light tank - Virror
8. any
Mistbuffs on FoP and lead guitar
will post list up as peeps sign up
Sign up for a free spot and meet styg @ 1845
we will leave @ 1900 on the nose and I will start replacing peeps at 1855 so please, if you sign up be on time
1. Druid - Misteal
2. Druid
3. Wardy/Bard
4. PB - Adlawynn
5. PB
6. Shield Tank
7. Light tank - Virror
8. any
Mistbuffs on FoP and lead guitar
will post list up as peeps sign up