This monday me (Zeline) and Joru will hold a ML 4 raid. Some steps require alot of ppl, so I hope everyone that joined our ML 3 raid will show up.
The raid will start at 19.00 CET\18.00 BST in Stygia, bg will be open atleast 30 minutes before the raid starts.
There are 3 presteps you all need to do before we start.
4.1 Colossal (3000, 17000 Stygian Delta)
4.3 Eye of Ra, Roar (57000ish, 44000ish LoA)
4.4 Valuable Stone (All over the place)
These steps MUST be completed if you want credit for 4.10! I would also like to add that EVERYONE read all the info about the 4.2 Encounter on VoS
Link to VoS ML 4
This will also be explained before we do the step, but still if everyone is prepaird it might go faster. I hope to have completed this ML in 3-4 hours, so no 6 hour raid like the ML 3 raid!
And yes ill try to do the lotto abit more as you are used to this time, so I hope I see you guys and that we all have fun doing it.
Love Zeline
The raid will start at 19.00 CET\18.00 BST in Stygia, bg will be open atleast 30 minutes before the raid starts.
There are 3 presteps you all need to do before we start.
4.1 Colossal (3000, 17000 Stygian Delta)
4.3 Eye of Ra, Roar (57000ish, 44000ish LoA)
4.4 Valuable Stone (All over the place)
These steps MUST be completed if you want credit for 4.10! I would also like to add that EVERYONE read all the info about the 4.2 Encounter on VoS
Link to VoS ML 4
This will also be explained before we do the step, but still if everyone is prepaird it might go faster. I hope to have completed this ML in 3-4 hours, so no 6 hour raid like the ML 3 raid!
And yes ill try to do the lotto abit more as you are used to this time, so I hope I see you guys and that we all have fun doing it.
Love Zeline