ML 3 Raid Saturday 11th September


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
OK 2nd attempt on ml 3 raid ;) same as last time, but this time ill be there :clap:

Bg opens: 12:00 GMT
Start Time: 12:30 GMT

BG on: Tykka

Meetpoint: Aerus Haven

ML3 Pre-steps:
1) Farm for eel stomach:
Before the raid even starts have one group go in and farm for an eel stomach (not everyone has to do this, it is not required to get trial credit, they just come in handy later). This is very easy to do now after the 1.68 patch.

2) Talk to the sub-quest giver
Everyone has to do this at some point: Get a full group (the shaman has been killed with 4 people, but you probably want a full group) and go to 15k 58k Notos. You'll find a triton treasure hunter there, right before the zone in point (don't kill him, just talk to him, you'll need the group you brought with you to kill a shaman). To save time tell every to just /s kepa and /s antioos. This will save time and by having people not actually click on the treasure hunter you have a better chance of not having someone kill it. Talk to the treasure hunter and get both the Antioos and Kepa quest. You can't complete them until you are with the raid, but you can do one step - kill a triton shaman.

3) Find and kill a purple triton shaman.
Get the necklace and be sure to bring it on the ML3 raid.
You need at least 3 people to kill a triton shaman, might want to bring a little more. They have been reported at these locs:

~35k 5k Meso Nov 18 - Jozi Rawr
5k 19k Meso Dec 21 - Avirez

4)Find and kill Moughart

Moughart Sightings:

2.6 21.4 Meso. Mourghart was found on the side of a rock and he looked alot like seaweed.

4k 16k meso. He respawned there with his buddies twice after that also.

37k, 49k Another Moughart spawn location we found tonight.

44.5k 20.5k in mesothalassa

5)Egg can be found from a pregnant cobra outside of Moirai's chamber at loc 31k 19k.

6)Sword from any of the grogans inside the dungeon. ~35k 45


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Ok mate's, im sorry to say this, but i did the ml 3 raid today, so did many of you i guess. So i wont be holding the raid next saturday, but if somone want to take my place its ok.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Tykk said:
Ok mate's, im sorry to say this, but i did the ml 3 raid today, so did many of you i guess. So i wont be holding the raid next saturday, but if somone want to take my place its ok.

wow, good idea to post a raid and then decide to run off and do it elsewhere.

Santa's little helper

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Grimmen said:
wow, good idea to post a raid and then decide to run off and do it elsewhere.

Can't blame him for trying.

But imo still run it, even tho you got your ml3 etc... :) What ya got to loose?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Grimmen, run it urself, ive never run a ml raid before, but still i got the courrage to atleast try making one. So try it urself


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
oops didn t read all thought that will be a raid...can t lead that :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I'll give it a shot.

BG opens: 13:00 CET raid starts 13:30 (yes those are actually the same times as Tykk wanted to use).

Me and Terkari will be leading.

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