We start on Monday 19:00 GMT to about 01-02:00 GMT!
If we can't finish we continue on Wednesday 23/3 (I'd prefer however if we could push this and finish, many people might loose sleep, but better one night then two We see how ppl feel during the early hours before decision.
Raidleader: Nathaniel
BG: /bg join NATHANIEL (this will be up 20 min or so before raid).
Bind/Raid start: Aerus Haven
Completion time: 6+ hours.
Educate yourself before raid: http://www.cairdeas.net/daoc/toa/Master_Level_Three.shtml
1) start 19:00 GMT/20:00 CET be there in time. We will try to arrange equally good/balanced grps. If ppl listen and are not afk this will go fast. I hope to move out no later then 20:15.
2) don't go afk (for longer period - see rule 4) during raid - we won't be able to wait for you, or redo steps you might have missed with AFK.
3) dont swin/walk/run ahead of Raidleader, just stick your grp leader, and he will stick me.
4) common sense
5) everybody can talk in /bg (if only leaders could talk would maybe be more effective, but since this a game i think it's more fun with ppl "chatting") However if forced to /bg will be listen only!
6) have a little patience. I have not done these steps before. However I have studied guide and have a few friends who will co-lead/help out.
7) all items will go to a treasurer. Lotto after raid. Everybody can lotto for everything. When you get an item, you step down untill everybody get's one after which we start over. Scrolls lotto after items.
8) --experimeltal if ppl agree--
since grps will be equally balanced (dmg output), the grp that gets the "kill" gets the item, this way game engine will sort lotto out and we can save some time after (raid will be late as is). However, loot from bosses (more important stuff - set treasurer before we kill a named mob), will be lottoed the normal way. I would like some feedback from you guys about rule (8). Good, bad, stupid, why ? Just a thought i had in purpose to save time, which is more important to me then items at 02.00 in the morning =)
Do this before raid:
Just outside of Temple of Twilight, 15k 58k Oceanus Notos (in the left corner as you are about to enter) talk to the treasure hunter and get BOTH the Antioos and Kepa quests. Kapa quest we do with Raid, dont worry about this for now. For the Antioos quest you need to find and kill a purple triton shaman. He will drop a necklace that you MUST bring to raid.
You need at least 4 people to kill a triton shaman, might want to bring a little more. The Trinton Shaman can be found at 5k 19k Meso or 35k 5k Meso. I think it's easier to get him at first loc.
If we can't finish we continue on Wednesday 23/3 (I'd prefer however if we could push this and finish, many people might loose sleep, but better one night then two We see how ppl feel during the early hours before decision.
Raidleader: Nathaniel
BG: /bg join NATHANIEL (this will be up 20 min or so before raid).
Bind/Raid start: Aerus Haven
Completion time: 6+ hours.
Educate yourself before raid: http://www.cairdeas.net/daoc/toa/Master_Level_Three.shtml
1) start 19:00 GMT/20:00 CET be there in time. We will try to arrange equally good/balanced grps. If ppl listen and are not afk this will go fast. I hope to move out no later then 20:15.
2) don't go afk (for longer period - see rule 4) during raid - we won't be able to wait for you, or redo steps you might have missed with AFK.
3) dont swin/walk/run ahead of Raidleader, just stick your grp leader, and he will stick me.
4) common sense
5) everybody can talk in /bg (if only leaders could talk would maybe be more effective, but since this a game i think it's more fun with ppl "chatting") However if forced to /bg will be listen only!
6) have a little patience. I have not done these steps before. However I have studied guide and have a few friends who will co-lead/help out.
7) all items will go to a treasurer. Lotto after raid. Everybody can lotto for everything. When you get an item, you step down untill everybody get's one after which we start over. Scrolls lotto after items.
8) --experimeltal if ppl agree--
since grps will be equally balanced (dmg output), the grp that gets the "kill" gets the item, this way game engine will sort lotto out and we can save some time after (raid will be late as is). However, loot from bosses (more important stuff - set treasurer before we kill a named mob), will be lottoed the normal way. I would like some feedback from you guys about rule (8). Good, bad, stupid, why ? Just a thought i had in purpose to save time, which is more important to me then items at 02.00 in the morning =)
Do this before raid:
Just outside of Temple of Twilight, 15k 58k Oceanus Notos (in the left corner as you are about to enter) talk to the treasure hunter and get BOTH the Antioos and Kepa quests. Kapa quest we do with Raid, dont worry about this for now. For the Antioos quest you need to find and kill a purple triton shaman. He will drop a necklace that you MUST bring to raid.
You need at least 4 people to kill a triton shaman, might want to bring a little more. The Trinton Shaman can be found at 5k 19k Meso or 35k 5k Meso. I think it's easier to get him at first loc.