ML.3 Raid Monday 22/3 (all) 19:00 GMT/20:00 CET


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
We start on Monday 19:00 GMT to about 01-02:00 GMT!

If we can't finish we continue on Wednesday 23/3 (I'd prefer however if we could push this and finish, many people might loose sleep, but better one night then two :) We see how ppl feel during the early hours before decision.

Raidleader: Nathaniel
BG: /bg join NATHANIEL (this will be up 20 min or so before raid).
Bind/Raid start: Aerus Haven
Completion time: 6+ hours.
Educate yourself before raid:

1) start 19:00 GMT/20:00 CET be there in time. We will try to arrange equally good/balanced grps. If ppl listen and are not afk this will go fast. I hope to move out no later then 20:15.

2) don't go afk (for longer period - see rule 4) during raid - we won't be able to wait for you, or redo steps you might have missed with AFK.

3) dont swin/walk/run ahead of Raidleader, just stick your grp leader, and he will stick me.

4) common sense

5) everybody can talk in /bg (if only leaders could talk would maybe be more effective, but since this a game i think it's more fun with ppl "chatting") However if forced to /bg will be listen only!

6) have a little patience. I have not done these steps before. However I have studied guide and have a few friends who will co-lead/help out.

7) all items will go to a treasurer. Lotto after raid. Everybody can lotto for everything. When you get an item, you step down untill everybody get's one after which we start over. Scrolls lotto after items.

8) --experimeltal if ppl agree--
since grps will be equally balanced (dmg output), the grp that gets the "kill" gets the item, this way game engine will sort lotto out and we can save some time after (raid will be late as is). However, loot from bosses (more important stuff - set treasurer before we kill a named mob), will be lottoed the normal way. I would like some feedback from you guys about rule (8). Good, bad, stupid, why ? Just a thought i had in purpose to save time, which is more important to me then items at 02.00 in the morning =)

Do this before raid:
Just outside of Temple of Twilight, 15k 58k Oceanus Notos (in the left corner as you are about to enter) talk to the treasure hunter and get BOTH the Antioos and Kepa quests. Kapa quest we do with Raid, dont worry about this for now. For the Antioos quest you need to find and kill a purple triton shaman. He will drop a necklace that you MUST bring to raid.
You need at least 4 people to kill a triton shaman, might want to bring a little more. The Trinton Shaman can be found at 5k 19k Meso or 35k 5k Meso. I think it's easier to get him at first loc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I'll be there Nathaniel, your ML2 raid was well done, and I expect your ML3 one will be just as good. Thank you for putting it on.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
I'll meet you in the Temple of Twilight

I can't get home from work by 7 pm to join the start of the raid so I logged off in the ToT last night.
I hope to join a group by about 7.30 pm ish


Krondor Lev 50 Cleric :sex:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
I will try to get an SS force to participate.

A note on running the raid: the crucial step for saving time will be the farming of eggs and swords. There is nothing especially time-consuming about the rest of the ML, but those pregnant cobras are a pain. Always make sure to not pull snake keepers until it has spawned three snakes, and make sure there are very strict directives on which group should kill the pregnant cobra when it pops (/bg groups is your friend here). While waiting for this, keep the raid occupied by pulling normal gorgons, and everyone should have an atlantean sword by the time all groups have eggs.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
on your loot part...

the group that has the aggro gets the loot - put a bg treasurer and lotto everything that's above 95% qual or is jewelery - only fair ;) otherwise you have people stacking their groups to get aggro and doing stupid things just to get loot. That said it might mean less afkers heh :) (shame you can't do a /bg qualitylevel for treasurer :()


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
might come for some ml exp, if im not busy with anything else


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Belomar said:
I will try to get an SS force to participate.

A note on running the raid: the crucial step for saving time will be the farming of eggs and swords. There is nothing especially time-consuming about the rest of the ML, but those pregnant cobras are a pain. Always make sure to not pull snake keepers until it has spawned three snakes, and make sure there are very strict directives on which group should kill the pregnant cobra when it pops (/bg groups is your friend here). While waiting for this, keep the raid occupied by pulling normal gorgons, and everyone should have an atlantean sword by the time all groups have eggs.

Thank you for info m8, i will keep this in mind.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Belomar said:
Always make sure to not pull snake keepers until it has spawned three snakes
Cant hurt: but didnt seem to make the slightest bit of difference when Ive been through that dungeon (after doing ML3 twice I think Ill be saying 'never again' for quite a while yet - its not even slightly fun)

We did that initially, but pregnant cobras seemed to spawn on their own (timer) regardless.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Some advice from some1 who have helped lead this encounter twice and which I dint find on VoS:

- The cobra egg farming takes for ever,- U have to kill 1 for each group there. Make sure U park the raid there for the hour or so it will take U at a good time for a break, and not so late ppl will log

- The FG trials done before hand is a time zink also, but U seem to have covered that

- get the Eel stomach for 3.7 in advance. Unless your zerg is big enough. Then start with 3.7 as it is outside.

- So many places to loose stick in that dungeon. corners and edges and going in and out of the water, ppl moving at different speed in the water. Get ppl to look out for each otehr or U will be stuggling forever with ppl who lost stick and got lost.

- 3.2 can be zerged. Just get the initial agro build up on pally while 3 persons are on her - then when zerking have all clerics healing the pally while she is enraging

- Road to 3.2 (and prob others) can be made faster if some1 disbands and agros all the status and dies. Then zerg runs through. Same going out.

- If u have 5-6+ FG then a number of the encounters are zergable. make sure U have an easy zerg encounter rdy for when ppl start getting impatiant if things go bad. Purely a psycological trick so U see progress all the time

- And GL



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
my opinion about this raid is :m00:

6) have a little patience. I have not done these steps before. However I have studied guide and have a few friends who will co-lead/help out.
I tried to tell like 10 times to do some trails now in leader cg, insted of waiting for 30 mins for a single crappy pop for each grp... and there was 10+ fgs.... and well getting ignored was nice ;) or told we "only" need 6 more groups then we move on..... 1½ hour later.... we only need 3 eggs now....zzZzZzZ simply don't understand why u wanna camp there with 10+ fgs.... that is inzane waste of time

yet another reason not to join random raids :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
We started out with almost 110 ppl (+/- a few). A little more then I expected tbh =) Finished entire raid aprox at 03:00 GMT with 60-ish ppl. We had too many ppl wanting to finish for raid to be split up. I'm sorry for all that didnt have the chance to complete at this point.
Im gonna do my best to help those ppl get their steps now that im more familiar with the ML3 process=)
Many thanks guys! Great job! In addition thanks to the people who helped me at times when i needed guiding=) cya all on next raid.
Look at the bright side, atleast we dont have to farm eggs and swords again =)

gonna crash in bed for 2 hours before work....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Well was a looong night tonight :p

Mythic should burn in hell for thinking of such a nice thing like the Pregnant Cobra's *shivers* Bah can't stand that name anymore :S

anyway, cheers for a we led raid Nath ;)

It was a pain to do this ML, but that had nothing to do with the leading ;)

Raid ended about 3:40 or someth, had to get up to go to work at 5:40... I'll see when i fall asleep at my desk ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Belomar said:
If you have nothing to say, Freezingwiz, then don't say it.

I simply don't understand why 10 fg camped the egg for 3-4-5+ hours to get to each grp insted of getting 2 eggs, kill an encounter, move back get 2 eggs kill an encounter, etc etc or simply make that a pre req. for the raid.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
3.5 is a HUGE time zink on a ML3 raid. Leading a ML3 raid U need to figure out a plan for that in advance. Camping these mobs, waiting for each group is an option - but its very frustrating to wait. And did this with 3 fg and 4 fg - still a pain. 10+ FG - jeeeeus. Thats gotta hurt.

1way to handle it is to have half teh raid do the shaman prerec while the other half farm for eegs, then switch. Another is what Freez said - to keep comming back doing encounters instead. But moving the zerg around isnt easy either.

No matter how U look at it ML3.5 is a pain. In either case it bring aggravation and frustration - so cheers [e] for taking it upon U to lead it :clap:

On a side note when we did this 3FGs we 3.5 step was fast,- however the 3.10 took like 2 hours due to the late hour, low number, many casters/bb.



Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Mawinax said:
however the 3.10 took like 2 hours due to the late hour, low number, many casters/bb.
1hr 45 mins: and we were 14 people.

Including bots, sitting (and in some cases sleeping) casters, etc.

If only we'd had some ML5+ pefecters at that stage we'd have done it in 20mins max ;)

3FG and its easy - even 3.10 is no excuse for taking 100 people to do ML3 at once. Its just wasting everyones time farming the items - and you dont gain much (if anything) by doing other steps faster.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i think we learnt that 100 people on ml3 = takes longer than 30 ppl on ml3

imo 4-5fgs is the biggest you want, cuz the farming dont take fucking 3 hours (like it did last nite)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
The raid was publically announced on FH and open for all, Draylor. What do you expect? It's not as if the raid leaders thought "uh oh, not gonna make it 30 people, let's get another 70".


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Just laughing because its the wrong way to tackle ML3 Belomar. I wasnt there, I havent and never will go near ML3 dungeon with that number of people.

Sure zerg parts of it if you feel you must: but making 100 people wait for the egg/sword farming - just ridiculous. Anyone that wasnt aware that this was a problem should really have learned after the similar comments after Edelia's raid there.

How anyone has the patience to lead that Ive no idea: I know I havent ;)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Well Nath did have the patience, and he did a solid job.
Yeah we waited hours at the Preggers snake, too bad, we still got the job done.
Onwards to ML4 ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Dordanov said:
Well was a looong night tonight :p

Mythic should burn in hell for thinking of such a nice thing like the Pregnant Cobra's *shivers* Bah can't stand that name anymore :S

anyway, cheers for a we led raid Nath ;)

It was a pain to do this ML, but that had nothing to do with the leading ;)

I think Nathaniel did a fine job, he said right up front he hadn't done it before but had studied and it was obvious he had. We had a lot of people, and not a few hadn't done the pre-bits. Nathaniel was patient, he doens't cuss, he doesn't swear at people, he just simply gives directions and moves on. I like that. I will attend other raids he leads if possible.

Thanks Nathaniel for two good raids now.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Kes said:
I think Nathaniel did a fine job, he said right up front he hadn't done it before but had studied and it was obvious he had. We had a lot of people, and not a few hadn't done the pre-bits. Nathaniel was patient, he doens't cuss, he doesn't swear at people, he just simply gives directions and moves on. I like that. I will attend other raids he leads if possible.

Thanks Nathaniel for two good raids now.

Not sure u quoted me because you disagreed with me, just in case :

I was not trying to say Nath did something wrong, Nath did a very good job in my opinion.
I have high appreciation for people who have the patience to run a very succesful raid like this with a big zerg to handle. I can imagine it was a bit of a stress at sometimes with alot of peeps whining it took too long. Well, that's just how ML's are, get used to it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Sorry I wasn't clear Dordanov, I quoted you because I so agree'd with you. I liked the way you put it and just quoted it to reemphasize it.

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