will attend as Spellcrafter RM(Rc47Sup26 RR4 ML7) <--need MLxp
also bringing along Trocca BBShamie(Aug47Cave23Mend13 RR3.1 ML7Perfecter MoA2 ToAbuff25% heal23% EoYlvl10) <-- no need for MLxp
Thanks all - I'm happy to say that I think this went without any probs. Ok, .10 took us two goes, but that was a cunning plan to give us more time to play with the sexy harpy's.
Special thanks to those who supplied useful info, or who were voluntered fo tasks.
Was a very nice raid Ironlung ... especially having all the items from 2.3 and all the keys already ready before the raid shows nice planning ... all went smooth and cosindering the numbers we had there even 2.10 went very well imho. /cheer
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