This is my first ever raid! However I will be hosting a ML2 Raid on Monday 9th August!
(Seen as theres demand but no one wants to do it
I am the leader of the raid, if you dont listen to me I will kick you off the raid..I have seen to many go the way of the pear from rougue elements in the bg!
The raid will meet in Styga haven at 6.30PM GMT! I will have the Battle group going at 6pm for those that wish to join early. (Aromme)
You need to have steps 2.5 and 2.8 done we will NOT be doing them in the raid.
Please sign up below, you need to sign up with your char name / class as groups will be pre-defined.
Loot is standerd EVERYTHING will be lotto'd /random 100 at the end!
I am limiting this to 3fg, however if demand is great then I may extend it so please sign up if your interested!
Edit: Can mods make this a sticky please
(Seen as theres demand but no one wants to do it
I am the leader of the raid, if you dont listen to me I will kick you off the raid..I have seen to many go the way of the pear from rougue elements in the bg!
The raid will meet in Styga haven at 6.30PM GMT! I will have the Battle group going at 6pm for those that wish to join early. (Aromme)
You need to have steps 2.5 and 2.8 done we will NOT be doing them in the raid.
Please sign up below, you need to sign up with your char name / class as groups will be pre-defined.
Loot is standerd EVERYTHING will be lotto'd /random 100 at the end!
I am limiting this to 3fg, however if demand is great then I may extend it so please sign up if your interested!
Edit: Can mods make this a sticky please