Ml 2.10

Kettil Einherjer

Fledgling Freddie
May 29, 2004
Seems im not the only one stucked on ML 2.10 so I invite people to meet me in Stygia haven 20:00 CET now on Monday to see if we can take this bugger down.

Tactics will be: 1 tank group with
2 warriors
1 skald
1 savage/berserker
1 6 sec pbt
1 shaman
2 healers.

The melee guys goes in, one warrior starts taunting, when first taunt has hit the rest of the melee'rs start hitting untyled, untill taunter gets in second taunt. then all meleers starts to style, only main warrior taunting though.

Shaman will follow in to make sure all tanks have endregen and also to keep dmg add and matter resist up.

PBT also follows in just bubbling.

Important is everyone in the room stands on same spot and dont move at all., and NO sticking.

Seers outside will heal tanks.

Hunters can stand outside shooting.

When boss on 2% everyone charges him to take him down.

So sounds easy in theory eh ? hehe we all know it aint easy =)

Try too keep spirit high and remember that cursing whining etc will not help anyone. if you want to curse and whine do so at home at your screen, no need to type it.

Also very important is 100% focus, so no AFK;ing during this please =)

Would love to see some experienced ML 2 people with us for ML xp or so that can help me out getting up to 2.10 and just be general support =)

If we do not manage to get 2.10 tomorrow, i will try again tuesday at 18:00 CET in a last desperate attempt before ML 3 raid.

Hope to see you in Stygia haven tomorrow folks <hugs>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
If it hadn't been at that particular time (ML7 raid), I would've liked to help do that. :)

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
I'd go on a different way. mister snakey won't start attacking untill you attack him. he's not aggressive, so you can stand around him toe to toe without him doing anything. Only when one of the snakes enters the room and they start attacking you, then mister snakey will start aswell. SO, what you do is you position 3 shadowblades on the SE(?) corner of the building, and they'll start distracting the snakes... it may take a little while, but they will all stop with what they are doing, and go to that corner and watch them pebbles bounce of the sand.

now when all the snakes are in the corner, you can easily walk inside, set your groups up, throw 3 tanks equally around runi, and set up your entire group, plus healers, shammy, pbt rm, and what you would like. you can set up about 20 persons in the room max. so my recommendation, just use 2 fg's and let the rest rush in after.
Here is my Group setup and placing in the temple. You enter the temple on the left side, and shadowblades should be placed on the lower right side.
G1			G2
Healer (aug)		Healer (mend)
Healer (mend)		Healer (aug)
Shaman (aug/mend)	Shaman (aug/mend)
Runemaster (supp)	Hunter
Warrior			Hunter
Warrior			Hunter
Savage			Hunter
Skald (battlesongs)	

|                                        |
|                                        |
|    Hm1            Ha1           Sh1    |
|              H           H             |
-                                        -
                    T T                   
           RM        R        Ha2         
-                                        -
|              H           H             |
|    Hm2             Sk           Sh2    |
|                                        |
|                                        |

Hm1 = mend healer G1
Ha1 = Aug healer G1
Sh  = Shaman
Sk  = Skald
T   = Tank
H   = Hunter
RM  = Runemaster
R   = Runihara

Okay now that you've got your group safe inside, and placed as on the picture, (beware not to come too close to the walls, so you won't pull agro from outside) take a deep breath, and let one of your Warriors taunt runi (not the /emote) and when he did let your other tanks attack unstyled untill the master warrior has a fixed agro. then style away.
Aug healers keep celerity up
shamans keep the tanks HoT'ted
all seers keep the tanks healthy, but switch targets, so that not 1 seer keeps healing thesame tank, and use small heals!
after a while when runi is pretty much damaged (I'd say 75%) let the hunters do their trick. from that point on it should be a pretty straightforward fight.
okay now don't EVER move when you're in the temple, keep the tanks on /face but NEVER /stick if you do it right runi won't start to walk the entire time... if he does.... well.. fair to say you're doomed.

When runihara is at ~3% hp... all zerg in the temple... you'll prolly die when ur 2 steps inside.. but that don't matter, also dead you'll get credit.

Now still a note for the people outside the temple during the runibash:
keep yer arse on the ground... when a bird comes and tries to take you away.. your toon will automatically stand. just press c immediately again.
I've not tried it yet.. but worth the effort, let people who already got ml2 credit stand around the people that still need it.. and keep them standing.. perhaps the birds will not take the sitting guys then... like I said.. don't know it for certain.. hell don't know it at all, but worth a try I guess


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 13, 2004
No idea if you wanted input on this, but as the strategydiscussion already has started ill make a few inputs, nothing previous said is wrong and ingafgrinns "manual" is a really good one, but there are some smaller things to point out to help you run it effectively as we all know the ml2.10 can be a real pain when you dont get it right...

Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
SO, what you do is you position 3 shadowblades on the SE(?) corner of the building, and they'll start distracting the snakes...

Actually the snakes has been made rather easy to kill some patch ago, so if you have the numbers it might be a good idea to just pull and kill them prior to enter.

Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
and let one of your Warriors taunt runi (not the /emote) and when he did let your other tanks attack unstyled untill the master warrior has a fixed agro. then style away.

Might even want to use a warrior with ip and let him take some damage and ip while taunting before healers start their job, to allow a good headstart on the taunts, if runi moves its all over...

Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
Now still a note for the people outside the temple during the runibash:
keep yer arse on the ground... when a bird comes and tries to take you away.. your toon will automatically stand. just press c immediately again.
I've not tried it yet.. but worth the effort, let people who already got ml2 credit stand around the people that still need it.. and keep them standing.. perhaps the birds will not take the sitting guys then... like I said.. don't know it for certain.. hell don't know it at all, but worth a try I guess

Its right, and a great way to make sure the agrogroup and those that need ml2.10 wont be carried off...

And lastly.. Getting a raid to ml2.10 might take some time, but there are a trick to shorten the time considerably- take a small group with a healer/shaman through the dungeon before the raid starts and log on the cliff where you zone out from the dungeon, after that just make everyone on the raid suicide in the water below that cliff (you can drown, just dive down and then swim up until your just about to emerge from the water again and your corpse can be targetted for ress). Have everyone bind in stygia prior to this, so if anyone drowns in a spot they cant be ressed in you just release and repeat, its very close from stygia...

There.. Good luck, and if i can get online tonight ill come and help you kill him if needed :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Easy now.

You don't need perfect group setups for this: However, 2 high MoB warriors, possible with IP is a must-have. Almost anything else (within reason) can be made to fit.

You don't need complicated setups to get inside: You just need people to pay attention, look out for themself and move on their own accord. And, then be clever and have one guy (that happens to be a seer) run in at the start and log. If someone aggro snakes, have everyone run in, wait 5min for snake depop and log the rezz'er on again. That ends up being faster than trying to do complicated setups, that the raid leader may, or may not, have understood himself or read off some webpage (like this? :) ). Also take note that someone often ends up getting birded on the way in. So, keep a logged backup rezz'er when people try to run in.

You don't want people to zerg inside at low health: What all too often happens when doing this is, that someone does it too early. Then the raid simply wipes on snakes and spikes with Runihura at 1-2%. Bad idea. Or, just as realisticly. Someone gets birded just as they are on their way in. Then you have a raid with only one agenda, and 1-2 people that missed it at no fault of their own. That means getting to repeat it again. There is absolutely no need to risk that. Just have your 2 full group setups. Do Runihura once while the rest of the raid waits on the ledge below. Runihura pops pretty fast. So, once dead have the ledge group get up and swap out from the first group with the essential classes/players.

And then a few notes:
- Aggro management is the key.
- Bladeturn the aggro warrior as much as you can in the start.
- Let the aggro warrior IP innitially to build mucho aggro (if possible, but don't fret if not available).
- Only aggro warrior taunts, rest hits twice and detaunts (rince'n'repeat).
- Have range in G2 deal with the blue snake spawns from Runihura (obvious).
- Make sure to have seers assigned to cure poison on the tanks.
- Friggs (HoT) have little effect compared to a cure poison. So, unless you got plenty of power (ei, FoP), don't waste it on friggs.
- Only allow the seer that the aggro warrior protects heal innitially. This, to help him build aggro and not spread it on the other tanks.

The alternative: Bring 60+ people. Stack them on Runihura with /face. Count down and kill him in 20 seconds. Sure, you get spiked and most the raid will die before he falls. But you get credit. We tried this with 40 people and got him to 30%. The yanks tried with 60+ and killed him easily. That is alot faster than redoing it 3-4 times. :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2004
Oh well here we go again :)

I got ciitada logged outside runihuras room.

Hopefully we will suceed this time


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I will bring Jewelwild (50 Warrior) and my shammie alt for this encounter or though I'm not leading this step :p

Kettil Einherjer

Fledgling Freddie
May 29, 2004
Thanks for the tips fellas. Ingafgrinn, i have to say i dont think your idea of setting people up all around the room like that.. it will mean a healer or something gets aggro.. and boss starts running around.. and when boss starts running around the tanks have to follow.. and then spike hell will start =/

I definatly see the problem with having people outside waiting to rush in, does anyone know what the limit on people is in room before spikes starts to emerge ?

the good thing with having the seers outside the room is that they can't get aggro from the boss, bad thing is the harpys. If sitting down helps when a harpy inc.. well then that would be great.. anyone got fact on this ?

doesnt seem like we will be much more then fg doing this, but it sais on vision of sages it been done with 6 people.. so it might be worth a try anyway.

Another thing i forogt.. do you ned alot of keys etc to get up to the top ?
and if so, do we have any ? 0.0

*sigh* Why did they make ML's so silly hard and complicated ? =(

anyway lets give it a try atleast =)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Kettil Einherjer said:
*sigh* Why did they make ML's so silly hard and complicated ? =(

anyway lets give it a try atleast =)
Or wait until wednesday, and I will run you through. :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
i will try to make it with my lvl48 healer, nataljah.

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Hrorvaig said:
Actually the snakes has been made rather easy to kill some patch ago, so if you have the numbers it might be a good idea to just pull and kill them prior to enter.
perhaps.. but we tried killing them... and it wasn't a pretty sight... :D the problem is, if one of you guys get killed, then a snake spawns from your body, so you'll have to know absolutely sure that you can handle them

Hrorvaig said:
Might even want to use a warrior with ip and let him take some damage and ip while taunting before healers start their job, to allow a good headstart on the taunts, if runi moves its all over...
Very good point

Azathrim said:
You don't want people to zerg inside at low health: What all too often happens when doing this is, that someone does it too early. Then the raid simply wipes on snakes and spikes with Runihura at 1-2%. Bad idea.
didn't experience that, but I guess it's very well possible.
I've heard and read many people advising this though for speeding things up, cos it can take very very long to set your group up in the temple

Azathrim said:
Or, just as realisticly. Someone gets birded just as they are on their way in. Then you have a raid with only one agenda, and 1-2 people that missed it at no fault of their own. That means getting to repeat it again.
true... we had one birded away on entryzerg.
Azathrim said:
Runihura pops pretty fast. So, once dead have the ledge group get up and swap out from the first group with the essential classes/players.
Very true.. also remind the poprate when lottoing the keys... do it quick... VERY quick ;)

Kettil Einherjer said:
Thanks for the tips fellas. Ingafgrinn, i have to say i dont think your idea of setting people up all around the room like that.. it will mean a healer or something gets aggro.. and boss starts running around.. and when boss starts running around the tanks have to follow.. and then spike hell will start =/
you'll just have to make sure that your tanks won't lose agro..
that's the way it's been done on my raid, and we succeeded in 1 try to kill runi, three tries to enter the room. first getting a seer in the room and logging him is a very good idea. :)

Kettil Einherjer said:
I definatly see the problem with having people outside waiting to rush in, does anyone know what the limit on people is in room before spikes starts to emerge ?
20, with a little squeezing and very equally spread out

Kettil Einherjer said:
the good thing with having the seers outside the room is that they can't get aggro from the boss, bad thing is the harpys. If sitting down helps when a harpy inc.. well then that would be great.. anyone got fact on this ?
In essence this is right... if a harpy comes for you and you are sitting, your toon will automatically stand up. now if you see that, just sit down again, and the harpy will fly over you. but why would you place them outside, with the risk of being taken away when you can take them inside, without much danger

Kettil Einherjer said:
doesnt seem like we will be much more then fg doing this, but it sais on vision of sages it been done with 6 people.. so it might be worth a try anyway.

Another thing i forogt.. do you ned alot of keys etc to get up to the top ?
and if so, do we have any ? 0.0
no key needed

Kettil Einjerjer said:
*sigh* Why did they make ML's so silly hard and complicated ? =(

anyway lets give it a try atleast =)


Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
Sheilda aug/mend healer (with bb in tow) reporting in after last nights long attempt


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Would likt to come with my hunter Svenbow but think it clashes with ML7 :/

Kettil Einherjer

Fledgling Freddie
May 29, 2004
again thanks for all tips, im willing to try anything mor or less, aslong as we get this sucker ;)

Good to know you will lead through this on wednsday Azathrim, i hope we can get it today though since ML 3 is on tuesday.

It's unfortunate this clashes with ML 7 raid I know, but we'll keep trying all week and more hopefully untill we manage this =)

IF there are people that have some steps left to do before theese try to gather earlier and do them, i'll help if im online just PM me.

Would very much like co-op leading this So i suggest that Ingafgrinn, Hror, and Azathrim work with me on this one if you like. it would be much apritiated. PM me when you are online and we can iscuss tactics etc =)

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Kettil Einherjer said:
Would very much like co-op leading this So i suggest that Ingafgrinn, Hror, and Azathrim work with me on this one if you like. it would be much apritiated. PM me when you are online and we can iscuss tactics etc =)
okay I'll try to be there at 20:00 CET


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
WTG !!!

Nice result thanks to Kettil. Great leadership, just like the old days. :worthy:

Thanks to all others that attended too, it really boosted my spirits after Sundays rolling goat.

Kettil Einherjer

Fledgling Freddie
May 29, 2004
aaw you guys are too kind. I'm glad we all kept the spirits high and had fun actually for once during this encounter =)

see you on ML 3 =D :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
May 21, 2004
Was a great raid mate, very well done... :clap:

Btw, how'd the second round go, well?

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