Time again for another friendly ML-raid open for all that wanna join.
(I choose to skip ML3 since very many ppl got it done last week, if many ppl still needs ML3 i'll try arrange something for them later)
Because some ppl missed credit for 2.10 last week i will hold a 2.10 ONLY raid before we start the ML4 raid.
Meeting will be Stygia haven and BG will be up 12.00 CET, we will try move out 12.15 CET so if u lack 2.10 pls be there in time. After Runi is dead we lotto the keys and then meet Stygia haven for rest of lotto.
After that it will be a little break and then at 14.00 CET i will open BG for ML4, we will try move out by 14.30 CET.
Pre-reqs: U must do 4.1 and 4.3 before the raid, we will NOT do them during raid.
Rules for raid: Listen to leader, be nice and try help out as much u can and no bad language pls. If u go LD we wait 3 mins, if same person go LD 3 times we wont wait anymore for that person. If u go LD during a step and miss credit we try to redo it if its possible to do so, if not, sry too bad but not much to do about.
Very important rule: When we do 4.2 everyone MUST listen carefully at all times, stay sharp and dont go AFK (yes u can go afk if the phone rings, someone at the door or if ur dog stepped in broken glass and are bleeding from the paws BUT then u inform ur grpleader and stick someone in grp and try be back as soon as u possibly can) , if i find someone standing AFK during 4.2 or if a groupleader tells me someone in hes grp are AFK without notice that person will be removed from lotto.
Lottorules: After Marthikoras is dead we will lotto everything in hes chamber. Drops are: MP and 99% qua drops, scrolls, remains, keys and ML-respecc. Lotto will be one roll, highest picks first, then the next etc til everything is gone, then we shake hands and race to Arbiter
Oh i almost forgot, u can join midraid or for 4.10 only if u like but only those that were in BG from start will join the lotto.
cya on sunday, hopeing for a big show-up ;D
(I choose to skip ML3 since very many ppl got it done last week, if many ppl still needs ML3 i'll try arrange something for them later)
Because some ppl missed credit for 2.10 last week i will hold a 2.10 ONLY raid before we start the ML4 raid.
Meeting will be Stygia haven and BG will be up 12.00 CET, we will try move out 12.15 CET so if u lack 2.10 pls be there in time. After Runi is dead we lotto the keys and then meet Stygia haven for rest of lotto.
After that it will be a little break and then at 14.00 CET i will open BG for ML4, we will try move out by 14.30 CET.
Pre-reqs: U must do 4.1 and 4.3 before the raid, we will NOT do them during raid.
Rules for raid: Listen to leader, be nice and try help out as much u can and no bad language pls. If u go LD we wait 3 mins, if same person go LD 3 times we wont wait anymore for that person. If u go LD during a step and miss credit we try to redo it if its possible to do so, if not, sry too bad but not much to do about.
Very important rule: When we do 4.2 everyone MUST listen carefully at all times, stay sharp and dont go AFK (yes u can go afk if the phone rings, someone at the door or if ur dog stepped in broken glass and are bleeding from the paws BUT then u inform ur grpleader and stick someone in grp and try be back as soon as u possibly can) , if i find someone standing AFK during 4.2 or if a groupleader tells me someone in hes grp are AFK without notice that person will be removed from lotto.
Lottorules: After Marthikoras is dead we will lotto everything in hes chamber. Drops are: MP and 99% qua drops, scrolls, remains, keys and ML-respecc. Lotto will be one roll, highest picks first, then the next etc til everything is gone, then we shake hands and race to Arbiter
Oh i almost forgot, u can join midraid or for 4.10 only if u like but only those that were in BG from start will join the lotto.
cya on sunday, hopeing for a big show-up ;D