3 FG raid.
Pre req
1.1 Fire, Survivor
1.2 Thieves, Retrieval
1.4 Barrier
1.5 Lord Krojer, Conflict (solo)
Sign up with class and level, ppl that need mlexp can join us at Cetus.
Loot is ffa and will be rolled for in the end.
Ppl that go afk without telling will be kicked without anychance to get back, no warning. If anything important happens irl, tell that, so we know.
I will not wait for LD. If not mass.
I will not wait for ppl that are lost. If not mass becourse of lag.
I will take coffie breakes.
Ppl that dont lissen and spam bg when told not to will get kicked.
I would recomend you to do ml2 pre req (2.8 2.5), if many are up for it I will do that aswell. Max 3 fg here aswell.
Cleric and tanks especialy Paladins are needed. Will get the first 24 compleat signups in grups, if there aint any class we need badly. Hope my eng is understandable.
If you have problem with 1.1 and 1.4 I will post a time when u can do this.
When sign up. Tell, Class, Name(that need credit), and if you cant get any prereq. They are easy and farly doable in 4 ppl. Usaly only lasy ppl that cba to read 5 min that cant get em. If you now dont get a grp together I will help.
Incompleated signups will be ignored. BG will be private and I will invite (learned last time when 100ppl did enter bg), if u aint ther 20 min before raid I will replace you.
Invite will be from enpilirumpan
And yes, my spelling sucks
Pre req
1.1 Fire, Survivor
1.2 Thieves, Retrieval
1.4 Barrier
1.5 Lord Krojer, Conflict (solo)
Sign up with class and level, ppl that need mlexp can join us at Cetus.
Loot is ffa and will be rolled for in the end.
Ppl that go afk without telling will be kicked without anychance to get back, no warning. If anything important happens irl, tell that, so we know.
I will not wait for LD. If not mass.
I will not wait for ppl that are lost. If not mass becourse of lag.
I will take coffie breakes.
Ppl that dont lissen and spam bg when told not to will get kicked.
I would recomend you to do ml2 pre req (2.8 2.5), if many are up for it I will do that aswell. Max 3 fg here aswell.
Cleric and tanks especialy Paladins are needed. Will get the first 24 compleat signups in grups, if there aint any class we need badly. Hope my eng is understandable.
If you have problem with 1.1 and 1.4 I will post a time when u can do this.
When sign up. Tell, Class, Name(that need credit), and if you cant get any prereq. They are easy and farly doable in 4 ppl. Usaly only lasy ppl that cba to read 5 min that cant get em. If you now dont get a grp together I will help.
Incompleated signups will be ignored. BG will be private and I will invite (learned last time when 100ppl did enter bg), if u aint ther 20 min before raid I will replace you.
Invite will be from enpilirumpan
And yes, my spelling sucks