ML 1 and 2 BG steps this sunday


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
oki we meet @ Volcanus Haven @ 4gmt ( english time ) sun 31
Bg will be up on galenas
If any 1 want to help out ill need mirrors and a belt and any extra rubys are allways nice i think ill have all the keys for ml2 but sum of the drops for 2'9 wud be nice Kaletor's Staff, Buliss's Sheild, Dimitri's sword, Thao's Staff

1.6 Kirk,
1.7 Rassa,
1.9 Harpie
1.8 Azures and Rubies, The Ruby

2.3 Triton Hoards
2.1 Death from Shadow
2.2 Stalking Terror
2.4 Rrionne's Reflection
2.9 Battle Masters
2.6 Kanahkt Test

2'7 and 2'5 will be done after 2'10 as sum of u will have the presteps done

lotto is FFA 1 win and out (keys not inc)
All rolls /random 1000
Crap RoGs will be salvaged
Any 1 who brings and of the items i listed above get an extra 75 on lotto :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
got all items for 2.9 m8 and keys will bring them for you m8


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2004
i'll try to be there with the minstrel artistia. i'm not possitive i'll make it....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2005
I would like to join for ml2, but what time it is going to start?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
about 5 gmt for ml2 depends if the ml1 raid leaves on time


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2005
I like to join with my scout ,

Possible anyone to arrange the grp steps of them?

Thank you



Loyal Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Technodave. I suggest you postpone your raids.
Since theres ml6+8 today. Do ml1,2 in the week instead please.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Arilinn said:
Technodave. I suggest you postpone your raids.
Since theres ml6+8 today. Do ml1,2 in the week instead please.

it should be ok if people listen to leader, ml 8 is at 7 and ml 6 is almost done now


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
should have read who posted it, my fault, but explained the attitude of you.
shame ppl like you are allowed to call other ppl whatever they want in THERE BGs cause game>selfdignity
Gratz to all the albs who made the ml1+2 with that leading twat.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004

...felt I had to post.

Thank you for running the raid - it IS really appreciated - and yeh my char [Cupand] got credits - so ty for that; but you know there's a but...

I guess it's stressful running a raid if ppl are pm-ing nonsense, etc - and believe me I've seen enough nonsense in BG chats - and yeh there were some ppl/groups who seemed to hold us up - but our guild group was not one of them - none of us ever talked to a wrong mob or didn't follow the zerg when we were supposed to - so when the whole BG were called "fuckin dicks" then one of us took exception to it and /rude'd you.

Without explanation, or pm, or anything that char got booted form BG - despite that they had helped the BG all the way - and continued to do so until the end - even rezzing ppl on 2.10 etc. They [Maddrax] rolled on statuesue eye and got highest roll - although by that time we had no explanation as to why they had been kicked from BG; and further, we had a threat to kick me because i even queried it - got logs if you want, but i dunno if you can be bothered i guess.

I will probably sound like a whiner, and for those of you that don't know me well enough I am sorry, but tonight an injustice was done in my opinion.

1) To Techno - ty again for running the raids - I hope you continue to do so but with a more level head maybe [although maybe I will not be allowed to attend now your raids].

2) To whoever it was who took the Statuesque Eye - nearly all in BG saw that Maddrax was the rightful winner - I don't think he cares too much, but it's the principle.

Keep smiling, J :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Think he got highest roll on the item after also, (tho he cant get 2 items)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
I did roll for the statues eye, i didnt got it, Meral got it. Its not the roll nor the item that i didnt got, its the attitude of dave calling ppl, who ought to follow him around in a zerg like condition, strong words and bully (sp) them around like he is god. He isnt. A raid is as good as the leader makes it TOGETHER with the ppl attending. But as it seems its another pointless post in here i make anyways, so life will go on as useal, ppl like dave getting away with countless items of loot, for most RL deserved , not for him. Getting away with abusing ppl, sometimes rightfully i agree, not this time.
Good luck on future MLraids with a clueless retard like him i can say.



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Lets have it right i didnt call the whole bg dicks i said it in responce to the person who called me a cun t or to his whole grp realy and why did i say it......

The raid was going well ml1 had been done in 1 hour without any problems, then a grp joins for ml2 the "we've got 4 clerics grp" (knockknockyoudead told me the rest of his grp was afk) getting lost and @ the start and us having to find you DID put 30mins on the raid (You didnt say u was lost for 15mins) then getting lost between every fuckin step.

I mean ffs learn sumthing about the game u play dont just turn up to raids and /stick /afk and start spaming "omg where are u" "turn speed off"

Maddrax what can i say wrong time wrong place i guess i vented my stress on you amd for that im sorry, but looking back on it ppl shudnt piss me off when im leading the raid, it was after ppl wudnt stop spaming that mob for 2'9 my stress lvl's was at an all time high. I looked at the mob to see who was spaming it and said i was gonna start kicking ppl and you gave me a /rude
I then thought i was a good idea to giv u a /kick

Moral of the story is dont piss raid leaders off
Think about all the shit u see in the BG times it by 100 and thats the amount of dumb ass Pm's and shit u get as a raid leader
And what do i get out of these ML raids?
I dont preclaim
looking forward to your ML raid's feya :wanker:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Nah dave, as i lead my share of raids early in toa, i know how stressfull the job can be. Still, apologize taken, the situation wasent like you just posted, ppl spammed npc, you called the whole BG fucking dicks, by then i left bg and ruded you on my own. You just kicked me from bg 15 min later and when some of my guild ppl asked whats wrong you threatened to kick them aswell, simply as that.
Dont come with the ..RL gets nothing out of it shit please, i know how much salvage can be taken from a raid and how much money is in it as a RL "destroying" rogs.
I could go on and rant etc. but i wont. Nice of you to eventually answe the posts here anyways, didnt thouhgt you could be bothered tbh.
On a side note if you cant take the heat, dont lead. A reason why i stopped BEFORE i bully around other players in a game where at least me doesnt exspect to be called a d*ck or c*nt or things like that.
Remeber it should be a game not stress. Maybe relax, sit back and let others lead, some good leaders out there for sure.



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
secert to leading any ml read up on it, go on it a few times, read up on it, then most important get a 24pack of wicked super strengh larger for before the raid and 1 for during oh and a few hundered cigs

liked ml1 went smoothly and quick was impressed how quick 1.10 went with so few peeps tbh

ml2 different subject got there in end was imo due to 1 of two factors unclear instuction or raid not listen (tbh think it was a bit of both)

lottos allway cause so much hassle romove drop and lotto from raids and solve problems, kill grp gets drops 4tehwin stops AFKers.

any way just my opinions but all in all TY for leading m8 :cheers:


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Technodave said:
Lets have it right i didnt call the whole bg dicks i said it in responce to the person who called me a cun t or to his whole grp realy and why did i say it......

If it wasn't intended for the whole BG then why did you announce 'come on you fucking dicks' to the whole BG?

Technodave said:
"we've got 4 clerics grp"

I do feel as though I have to point out that all 4 chars were in fact buffbots and it was said in /bc as a joking passing comment. I had in fact said in /bc that I was looking for a group but that one was the only one who responded so I joined it anyway...and at the time of that being said in the BG, no1 suggested that it would be a problem.

Technodave said:
The raid was going well ml1 had been done in 1 hour without any problems, then a grp joins for ml2 the "we've got 4 clerics grp" (knockknockyoudead told me the rest of his grp was afk) getting lost and @ the start and us having to find you DID put 30mins on the raid (You didnt say u was lost for 15mins) then getting lost between every fuckin step.

I mean ffs learn sumthing about the game u play dont just turn up to raids and /stick /afk and start spaming "omg where are u" "turn speed off"

Maddrax what can i say wrong time wrong place i guess i vented my stress on you amd for that im sorry, but looking back on it ppl shudnt piss me off when im leading the raid, it was after ppl wudnt stop spaming that mob for 2'9 my stress lvl's was at an all time high. I looked at the mob to see who was spaming it and said i was gonna start kicking ppl and you gave me a /rude
I then thought i was a good idea to giv u a /kick

Moral of the story is dont piss raid leaders off
Think about all the shit u see in the BG times it by 100 and thats the amount of dumb ass Pm's and shit u get as a raid leader
And what do i get out of these ML raids?
I dont preclaim
looking forward to your ML raid's feya :wanker:

Okay, I was one of the group who you have put in question on the boards. I'd like to point out that 3 of the group were with the raid and it was in fact only 5 of our group who were lost because they had stuck to someonelse which was unfortunate. I went back to help those who weren't with us after you said you would stop and on the way found nothing short of around 20 people passing me because they too were lost. Singling out that particular group is just looking for a scapegoat.

I can also vouch that the whole group was active pretty much all of the time. 4 names were constantly spamming the /g chat so why you were told we were afk I don't know. I was even pm'ing you and talking in the BG to keep you updated on finding those lost.

The problem was that your group sped off leaving those without speed behind. The hole in which the raid disappeared up is very difficult to see if you haven't been on an ML2 raid before or if you have only casually been before.

Some guy then later got a kick, I can't remember exactly who it was which is of cause your perogative but giving no reason to anyone either in the BG or outside of it is not the sensible thing to do. Instead of saying 'next time, don't emote me' or ANYthing like that, you just tried to wind him up more by ignoring him (and the BG) which succeeded and in the end left many with a confused/bitter feeling towards the end which is unfortunate.

Hope this clears a few things up.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
kirennia said:
Okay, I was one of the group who you have put in question on the boards. I'd like to point out that 3 of the group were with the raid and it was in fact only 5 of our group who were lost because they had stuck to someonelse which was unfortunate. I went back to help those who weren't with us after you said you would stop and on the way found nothing short of around 20 people passing me because they too were lost. Singling out that particular group is just looking for a scapegoat.

The problem was that your group sped off leaving those without speed behind. The hole in which the raid disappeared up is very difficult to see if you haven't been on an ML2 raid before or if you have only casually been before.

At no point did i have speed on while inside ML2 guess u wasnt listening when i said that. Them not being able to keep up with a slow moving zerg tells me they arent active or just brain dead

Nah dave, as i lead my share of raids early in toa, i know how stressfull the job can be. Still, apologize taken, the situation wasent like you just posted, ppl spammed npc, you called the whole BG fucking dicks, by then i left bg and ruded you on my own. You just kicked me from bg 15 min later and when some of my guild ppl asked whats wrong you threatened to kick them aswell, simply as that.

Yea well that's when i kicked you i then kicked you when u rejoined the bg, salvaging drops for cash might be your thing feya but i just shift + D the crap Its not as if i was short on cash if i wanted to make sum money from it i cud go Fotm and preclaim any item

People who turn up to my raid go /stick then /afk want me to hold there hand and stop the raid every 2 min to go find them arent the sort of ppl i want on the raid my next raid will be on /bg listen and we wont be going back looking for ppl


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Technodave said:
Think about all the shit u see in the BG times it by 100 and thats the amount of dumb ass Pm's and shit u get as a raid leader

I've never experienced that even once :eek7:

I've gotta start trying harder! :(

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