Mistrell asking cash for speed????




I was playing my alt char (fighter level 10 albion, excal) And joined up with a group.. there was a minstrell level 11 who was telling us we had to pay him to get speeddrumz.. WTF is that all about?

It's bad enough that clerics ask money for a rezz (i don't, never!) and now minstrells start asking for cash to speed? whats next? Armsmen asking money to get that bleeding aggro of casters back?

I tell ya.. the world of albion is changing.. and it's not getting any better..

Hope things will turnaround for the better.. but dont think so :(


Hey THAT'S a GREAT idea, I'll start asking cash to take agro :p

Even though I'd never do something like that with my minstrel (or with my cleric! :p ) , I can understand his/her motives, you have any idea how hard it is as a minstrel?

You need a new weapon + shield, every now and then (definitly at low lvls)... Then you also need a armor, or you die too soon... Ok, pretty normal for almost all chars... But a Minstrel then also needs to buy instruments (and pretty expensive ones at lvl 20 or so)...

But, every char would have reasons... I'd say, kick the person from the group and walk at 'normal' speed (heck the speed at lvl 11 isn't all that great yet anyhow :p )

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