Minstrels and Shield Proc


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Need an answer to this plz from someone who knows about these things.
Just bought a 99%shield <lvl 50> and enchanted it, then got it procced
Reactionary proc, not the style proc as i have no shield styles.. so i decided to test it, pulled 3 greys and stood there.

Now i blocked well over 200 times and not once did my reactioanry DoT proc go off, im pretty pissed at this having just payed 300g for it <Not the alchemists fault by any means, they were suprised at this too>. Now 200 odd times is a bloody lot for a proc to not go off, so what is going on??

Checked the proc type, same as my pally friends whos goes off quite a bit in duels when he blocks so why the hell does mine not? , do u have to activly have to be able to spec shields for a reactioary to go off, cos if you do thats just plain bollox and yet again another nice little bug to add to the other 1000 ingame :p

So if anyone can help me out with an answer plz ill be thankful


-Bladean is the campest paladin i know>

Stunsong LVL 50 Minstrel
Alb-Excal RR2 L6 , ML1


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I think there is some bug that makes so shield procs only can proc on a player opponent, atleast its like that on a few toa shields.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Coccas said:
I think there is some bug that makes so shield procs only can proc on a player opponent, atleast its like that on a few toa shields.

Not a bug, reverse procs were overpowered in PVE as an engaging shield speccer could kill mobs (albeit slowly) with ease with the proc alone.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
knighthood said:
Need an answer to this plz from someone who knows about these things.
Just bought a 99%shield <lvl 50> and enchanted it, then got it procced
Reactionary proc, not the style proc as i have no shield styles.. so i decided to test it, pulled 3 greys and stood there.

Now i blocked well over 200 times and not once did my reactioanry DoT proc go off, im pretty pissed at this having just payed 300g for it <Not the alchemists fault by any means, they were suprised at this too>. Now 200 odd times is a bloody lot for a proc to not go off, so what is going on??

Checked the proc type, same as my pally friends whos goes off quite a bit in duels when he blocks so why the hell does mine not? , do u have to activly have to be able to spec shields for a reactioary to go off, cos if you do thats just plain bollox and yet again another nice little bug to add to the other 1000 ingame :p

So if anyone can help me out with an answer plz ill be thankful


-Bladean is the campest paladin i know>

Stunsong LVL 50 Minstrel
Alb-Excal RR2 L6 , ML1

RvR only, it should proc fine when you block enemy player attacks, not that it will happen often mind, you have low chance to block and even then only 10% chance for the proc to fire on that block.

Of cause you do realise that if the DoT fires you wont be able to mezz them?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
if it worked, magine a paladin with a reactive healproc on his shield in pve.....

hmmmmmmm :rolleyes:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Only work against players, DD reactives are nice verse archers :))


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Jaem- said:
Only work against players, DD reactives are nice verse archers :))

hehe always amusing when ya running long a road, say for example AMG->HMG odins and ya see ya self block and a big flame pops up behind a tree :flame: .....granted DD proccs are :puke: when it comes to dmg :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
yaruar said:
Not a bug, reverse procs were overpowered in PVE as an engaging shield speccer could kill mobs (albeit slowly) with ease with the proc alone.

Except engage doesn't work on monsters that have been hurt recently... So you'd have a short (10s?) period when the monster would ignore the engage. Longer if you'd use a DoT proc. Dunno if this is the real reason or not *shrug*

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