Minstrel Speccing



More than likely gonna start a minstrel once my main reaches 35 for bg, but I dont really have any idea how I would go about speccing a minstrel.
Could I get some tips/templates from u guys ? :)


Currently, at level 42, I have -

Instruments 42
Stealth 16
Slash at around 26

I'm aiming for an RvR minstrel - so I'm going to have a fair bit of stealth. You don't need to spec it until possibly the early / late 30s, but if you're going to do BG you'll want to spec a little earlier maybe.

I recommend slash over thrust to be honest - Better for PvE, and more readily available. You won't want to go up against an enemy tank 1v1 so no point taking the weapon that has the bonuses. Most of my RvR time is spent mezzing and shouting.

Choose a saracen if you want to take thrust, and a highlander possibly for slash. I hate the dex drop in a highlander however, hence I'm Briton. I can't stand misses.


Well I'm going for 21 stealth, 44 thrust and 44 instruments...

With see hidden in the next patches I recommend you to not spend alot of points in stealth and with items you can get easily 30+ stealth, with other items you should have no problem to get 50 + Thrust and 44 instruments ... well 44 for the best DD spells :)

This should be one hell damage machine in RvR :)

Zag Barr

The old way to spec was:

44 music
~ 37 stealth (to be pushed to 50 with items and RR3)
~ 32 weapon

After the realm abilities and "See Hidden" are in, Minstrel stealth will be realtively useless, and you get an AE mezz at 45 music. Since realm abilities also brings "purge", I would consider the AE mezz valuable, although many think that 5 sec casting time is too long.

My spec after realm ablities are implemented, would be:

45 music
44 weapon (to be pushed past 50 with items and RR)
19 stealth (to be pushed past 30 with items and RR)

But don't worry too much. At 1.52 we will get a full respec, and in addition two partial respecs at level 20 and 40.


Thanks guys, great help :).
What about class/start points?


Class depends on what you want to spec.

Saracen for thrust.

Briton / Highlander for dex.

I would suggest points in cha, and some in some of the following - strength (If thrust) con (If not highlander) dex, and possibly quickness.

I put ten into str, dex, and cha. (Or possibly 5 str/con, 10 dex/cha - can't remember)


Saracen is gimped. If you want thrust be a briton - having more con is more important than a bit more dex - hp is king in RvR. Highlander is quite good too.

The "classic" final spec is 44/39/29 (which I'm aiming for), take your pick on stealth or weapon as higher, though I recommend weapon.

Thrust vs slash? Not all that much in it, thrust has nice bleed styles, slash has nice anytime styles. Dex is your secondary and str your tertary which will help thrust more than slash.

Initial points, 10 cha/dex/con is pretty much the best. Maybe get some qui if you want to melee heavily (don't skimp the cha though).


well seeing as stealth will be useless i thaught why bother speccing, at lvl 46.5 my current spec is

40 thrust - 46 with items, 2 bracer of arms, +4 from weapon
44 ins.

and to be honest, even with 46 weapon my dmg sucks, maybe thats cos im using thrust, but when i hit for only 60-80dmg compaired to a tank that uses thrust, and they do 100-130 same lvl, then something is wrong

Madonion Slicer

I have only had my minstrel for a short time but i have no bothered with stealth at all, i am full Instru and as much Slash as i can, went with a highlander.

Never found a use for Stealth in PvE, even with my Scout or though he does have high stealth for the BG and RVR.

I might spec a few or use the mini dings from 40.5 to 49.5 but it be a long time before that happens.

Madonion Slicer

Just been looking at that Character Builder and i am going to go with this plan

45 Instruments
44 Slash
19 Stealth

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