Minstrel spec @ lvl 50



Hiya peeps,

As you can see if have a minstrel currently lvl 41.6, have been looking at what the average final spec is, and also reading about the upcoming update/patches, i`ve decided not to spec stealth, but instead concentrate on instruments and thrust only.

Gonna be 45 instruments (45 for the final ae mezz spell in 1.51)
46 thrust...

Has anyone done this at all, i would guess it would be pretty nasty in RvR, cos at the end of the day i rarely go solo and if i can do serious dmg to tanks then im happy :D


Leave it at 44 instruments. Any american forum with a minstrel on it, will tell you that the AE mezz's 5sec cast time makes it unusable in PvE or RvR, on top of which i can add my own assurance of it's crapness, since my friend has a lvl 50 minstrel on Morgan Le Faye, and he got this mezz. It's crap.
I would suggest you go 44instruments, 44thrust (gives you the final style before 50), and the rest stealth. This gives you enough stealth to avoid non-stealth classes, NPC patrols, and usually mobs too. Comes to 21stealth with 15pts left over, at lvl 50.

If you decide to stick to your plan of 1stealth at lvl 50 (big mistake imho, seriously cramps your versatility in RvR, even if you don't solo), then why only 46 thrust? You can get 49 as far as i can see, if you're going to go for max possible dmg....

btw: ultimate stealthless minstrel - autotrain instruments to lvl 34, lets you get 50thrust (for the uber dragonfang style) and 44 instruments =p

If autotraining is too much damn hassle (would involve being a music-less minstrel till lvl 34), consider 50thrust/43instruments. Still gives you final run song, final stun, final single-target mezz, and you get the long-stun style that chains off an evade. Note: if you go for dragonfang, consider the 'dodger' realm abilities an absolute must when we get 1.50. Evade II just isn't enough.


29 stealth, 38 slash, 45 instruments

if i choose 44 instruments i would not get the comming ae mez and only get 39 slash anyway (a little better damage and a style i would never use).


Going 44 ins, 39 thrust, 29 stealth. Well known pattern that works :p


Im prolly going 44 instrements, and some high lvl thrust.. 39+ or something, i find the damage i do aint that great with 29 atm.. so im gonn atry higher.. if i ever dicided to lvl my minstrel agin which i serioulsy cant be arsed atm... im currently lvling an infiltrator :)


Sorry to repeat myself here, but going 45 instruments instead of 44 IS A WASTE OF 45 POINTS!
Fine, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but 5secs of immobility to mezz for 20secs two people who have to be sat in each other's laps (the radius is shocking) is just not worth it. Allow me to repeat that I'm not just guessing this from the listed attributes of the spell, I HAVE TRIED IT extensively. It's awful.


still it only means losing 1 point in weapon spec for something that probably will help you a couple of times.

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