Minstrel Spec Help




I am slowly leveling a minstrel who is currently spending his life getting owned in BG1 :rolleyes:

I was looking for some advice on a final spec for level 50. Curretly I am thinking of ths following spec:

Instruments: 45
Thrust: 39
Stealth: 28

I am a brition minstrel with initial points in dex, con, and char. No extra str - hence thrust not slash.

I am wondering if this is a viable spec? It gets me best aoe mez and DD's and the fastest speed song, but my weapon skill and stealth seems a little compromised for soloing. Stealth needs to be real spec of at least 25 so that I can get all the stealth abilities (provided they actually go live)

I am after a spec to allow good group support, but also the ability to solo when I am not on for long (which seems to happen more and more reciently :( )

Any comments and opinions welcome :)


wouldnt bother with stealth at all

120+ lvl 50 sbs (in emain ;)) all of which lost ip so had an awful lot of spare rps to spend on goodies like see hidden, making your stealth totally useless be it 1 or 50 ;)

as for the stealth abilities, far as i see most are useless really, no detect hidden to help find stealthers / make us immune to see hidden so only useful thing i see is the safe fall, but i dont thin its worth 20+ in stealth just for that.


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
wouldnt bother with stealth at all

120+ lvl 50 sbs (in emain ;)) all of which lost ip so had an awful lot of spare rps to spend on goodies like see hidden, making your stealth totally useless be it 1 or 50 ;)

as for the stealth abilities, far as i see most are useless really, no detect hidden to help find stealthers / make us immune to see hidden so only useful thing i see is the safe fall, but i dont thin its worth 20+ in stealth just for that.

1.60 minstrels get the "Detect Hidden" ability (16 spec in stealth)

Classes who are unable to get this ability are "seen" whether stealthed or not using the see hidden RA

So my THINKING (note, not 100% on this) is that minstrels speccing in stealth will actually be of use now...


are u sure ?
- Minstrels now receive Danger Sense, Distractions, Climb Walls, and Safe Fall I - V by specializing in their Stealth skill. They receive these abilities at the same spec levels that Infiltrators do.

no Detect Hidden listed


I think he's confusing it with Danger Sense, a PvE thing.

Mincers aren't getting Detect Hidden in 1.60


50 inst 29 slash 31 stealth is a very good spec in 1.60 just need to get me a respec stone.


Originally posted by jetsetminer

I was looking for some advice on a final spec for level 50. Curretly I am thinking of ths following spec:

Instruments: 45
Thrust: 39
Stealth: 28

thats my specc exactly.. and I dont like it. I'd prefer much more stealth.

if I could respecc I'd respecc to 34slash, 35stealth, 44 inst. or to the specc hotrat mentioned.


Thanks for the input all, just a couple of questions.

Can you actually kill stuff in RvR with only 29 in weapon skill?

I seem to do very little damage with my lvl 24 spec, which I assume is mostly due to lacking decent weapon skill...

Also, what would the extra steath spec gain me? ability to see other steathers? extra movement speed while stealthed? without stealth based styles what is the major advantage of high stealth?


Originally posted by jetsetminer

Also, what would the extra steath spec gain me? ability to see other steathers? extra movement speed while stealthed? without stealth based styles what is the major advantage of high stealth?

think of stealth as a bubble around you. people outside this bubble cant see you, people inside it can. the higher your stealth is the smaller this bubble become.

people with 50 (with items ofc) in stealth are really hard to spot, almost impossible if you dont got see hidden. Me, with a stealth that sums up to 34 is somewhat easier.


far as im aware the specific leaving out of detect hidden in patch notes was deliberate, leaving minst totally vunerable to SH again, so i see no viable way to solo a minst tbh, without a buffbot +vhigh rr now.


I would strongly advice against going thrust... being thrust my self i find styles in this line very bad for both rvr and pve. im currently 44in thrust just to get and deacent dmg dealing style whithout running out of end after 3-4 attacks.. let me say it again go slash...



Same here.. do not go thrust. Unless u go lvl 50 or is an infil, thrust suck. Then I'd wait with my final specc til we get some viable information about that new 1.60 chant (last version at lvl 50).

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