Minstrel looking for some regular drops with +powerpool, +range


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Am trying to work on my SC template for my Minstrel, its pretty hard
to make any headway without sacrificing lots of other stuff. I have
settled on trying to max Str, Con, Cha, Hps, Resists and get as high
as possible in the following:

+power pool
+spell range
+spell damage
+hp cap

and + to stat caps, but very few arti's give + power pool to Minstrels

I have Pheobus Harp Neckie, Halls of the Ma'ati ring, ML5.1 Bracer in
the template already, but need more. Can anyone suggest some good
util regular drops (and where I might get them) that give these attribs
please ?



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
didn't know that powerpool etc, was so important stats for a minstrel?
I've focus more on +af, +hp cap, melee speed and melee dmg :)
depends on what you play tho (im going solo)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
I am a group-based Minstrel, so I tend to spend more time
interrupting the enemy. With bladeturn, ablatives etc my
(44) Slash often doesn't do much to them, and the vast
majority of the damage I do is from dd's and stun, these
are all from my power pool. I will probably respec back to
a higher stealth (not because I solo, but so I can once
again climb keep walls) once we're done in ToA.

I've tried to max my ToA spec, but its too difficult to do
with interests spead (+melee dmg/spd, +casting pool, dmg,
spd, range, duration, etc).

I think more importantly I need to max my power pool and
range, spell damage is a strong secondary as is duration,
any end regen proc's would be handy)

Anyone know of any that a minstrel can definately use ?

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